
A Kubernetes Vagrant Multi node environment using kubeadm.

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project is based on work from coolsvap/kubeadm-vagrant by @coolsvap.

A demo of the start and destroy of a cluster can be found here: README.md Demo section.


  • make
  • Vagrant (tested with 2.1.1)
  • Virtualbox
  • rsync
  • /dev/urandom (only used to generate a kubeadm token, when no custom KUBETOKEN is given)

Hardware Requirements

  • Master
    • CPU: 2 Cores
    • Memory: 2GB
  • 1x Node:
    • CPU: 1 Core
    • Memory: 1GB

These resources can currently only be changed by editing Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile_nodes directly, but will probably be configurable by environment variables in the future.


To start with the defaults, 1x master and 2x workers, run the following:

$ make up -j 3

The -j3 will cause three VMs to be started in parallel to speed up the cluster creation.

NOTE Your kubectl is automatically configured to use a context for the created cluster, after the master VM is started. The context is named after the directory the Makefile is in.

$ kubectl config current-context
$ kubectl get componentstatus
NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE              ERROR
scheduler            Healthy   ok
controller-manager   Healthy   ok
etcd-0               Healthy   {"health": "true"}
$ kubectl get nodes
master    Ready     master    4m        v1.10.4
node1     Ready     <none>    4m        v1.10.4
node2     Ready     <none>    4m        v1.10.4


Starting the environment

To start up the Vagrant Kubernetes multi node environment (non parallel) run:

$ make up

To start up 4 VMs in parallel run:

$ make up -j4

The flag -j PARALLEL allows to set how many VMs (Makefile targets) will be run at the same time.

NOTE Your kubectl is automatically configured to use a context for the created cluster, after the master VM is started. The context is named after the directory the Makefile is in.

Show status of VMs

$ make status
master                    not created (virtualbox)
node1                     not created (virtualbox)
node2                     not created (virtualbox)

Shutting down the environment

To destroy the Vagrant environment run:

$ make clean
$ make clean-data

Copy local Docker image into VMs

$ make load-image IMG=your_name/your_image_name:your_tag
$ make load-image IMG=your_name/your_image_name
$ make load-image IMG=my-private-registry.com/your_name/your_image_name:your_tag

Data inside VM

See the data/VM_NAME/ directories, where VM_NAME is for example master.

Show make targets

$ make help
clean                          Destroy master and node VMs
clean-data                     Remove data (shared folders) and other disks from all VMs
help                           Show help menu
kubectl                        Configure kubeconfig using `kubectl config`
load-image                     Load local Docker image into master and node VMs
master                         Start up masters (automatically done by `up` target)
nodes                          Start up the nodes by utilizing the `node-X` target.
preflight                      Gather checks and variables for the the `up` target
status                         Show status of master and node VMs
stop                           Stop/Halt all masters and nodes
token                          Generate a kubeadm join token
up                             Start master and nodes


Variable Name Default Value Description
BOX_IMAGE centos/7 Set the VMs box image to use.
DISK_COUNT 1 Set how many additional disks will be added to the VMs.
DISK_SIZE_GB 10 GB Size of additional disks added to the VMs.
NODE_COUNT 2 How many worker nodes should be spawned.
MASTER_IP The Kubernetes master node IP.
NODE_IP_NW 192.168.26. The first three parts of the IPs used for the nodes.
POD_NW_CIDR The Pod (container) network CIDR.
K8K8S_DASHBOARD false Install the Kubernetes dashboard addon.
CLUSTER_NAME k8s-vagrant-multi-node The name of the directory the Makefile is in.
KUBETOKEN "" (empty) The kubeadm "join" token to use. Will be generated automatically using /dev/urandom/ when empty.


Start Cluster


Destroy Cluster



  • Make resources configurable by environment variables
  • Make Kubernetes version selectable through kubeadm