
ecommerce app using react including auth , flilteration , routing and more

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Ecommerce App providing routing and authentication and products filteration , cart , counting and more

Languages used :

HTML , JavaScript , CSS , SCSS

Libraries and technologies :

ReactJS , redux-toolKit , asyncThunk ,routing 6.4 , Antd , Framer motion , Lottie files , Swiper , Toastify , Bootstrab , React Bootstrab , react icons


  • Firebase : email and password , Google

important instructions ↓↓↓↓


  • local json server --> existed in files (API) file -- must run it to intialize data

API file start

** in API file directory run (npm install) ** then run (npm start) ** it will run in localhost/3005

starting project

#npm start ** in project directory run (npm install ) ** then run (npm start) ** it will run in localhost/3000

project is ready 😄