
How To Run ?

  1. The database "oe_univ" should be created.
  2. Tables can be created within the database or imported into it.
  3. Update the IP address in PHP files and Java classes.
  4. Update the hostname in C# classes.

💻 Windows App

How to use

1.To login, you must provide your username and password, which can be found in the "users_admin" table within the database.

2.After successfully logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard.

  1. To view students from the database, click on the "students" button. Alternatively, you can click on the "courses" button to add or update courses.

  1. In the settings form, you have the option to change your username, password, or profile image (stored as a "blob" data type).

🌐 web site

The website is used for staff to upload files or notifications, as well as displaying student data such as grades and managing student accounts.

  1. To log in, please enter your username and password. Your login credentials can be found in the "staff_login" table.

  1. Dashbord . You can view the course number, course name, course section, and student ID number for students registered with the professor. Clicking on the "details" button will provide additional information such as the student's name, faculty name, and their grade in the course.

  1. You can upload files and materials for student registration courses by selecting the course name first.

4.You can send notifications to students, including image notifications.