this is New supper fast Mikrotik Scripting way

old Way =

Get Active Address;

{ :local Id [/ip hotspot active find user="test"];

:if ([:len $Id]>0) do={

:local Address [/ip hotspot active get $Id address];

:put $Address

} }

old Way =

Get Active Address Faster;

:foreach i in=[/ip hotspot active find user="test"] do={

:local Address [/ip hotspot active get $i address];

:put $Address;


old Way =

Very Fast Get Active Address ;


:local AC [/ip hotspot active print as-value where user="test"];

:local Address ($AC->("address"));

:put $Address; }

My NEW Supper Fasssssssssssssssst Way

/ip hotspot active find [:if ($user="test") do={:put $address;}];


Can You Imagine

You Could Do Any Thing insid do={ ... }

/ip hotspot active find [:if (user="test" && mac-address!="44:33:33:22:11:00:33") do={/log info ("Active Removed the user id=".$".id");remove $".id";}];

and So On ...............