Edit the Fatima Fellowship website website by pulling this repository and creating pull requests as explained below.


  1. Clone this repo. Run git clone https://github.com/abidlabs/fatima
  2. Make changes as described in sections below.
  3. (optional) Test website changes locally by running python3 -m http.server at the top level folder of the cloned repo.
  4. Create a pull request to integrate changes.

Add / Edit Mentor

  1. Add profile image to img/mentors/ folder. Use first_last.[jpg/png] format.
  2. Open "mentors.json".
  3. Add item to list with following properties:
    • name (full name)
    • email
    • education
    • about (2-3 sentences)
    • site (personal site / linkedin)
    • image (name of saved profile image)

Add / Edit Fellow

  1. Add profile image to img/fellows/ folder. Use first_last.[jpg/png] format.
  2. Open "fellows.json".
  3. Add item to list with following properties:
    • name (full name)
    • email
    • education
    • about (2-3 sentences)
    • site (personal site / linkedin)
    • image (name of saved profile image)
    • mentor (full name of mentor. should match name used in mentors.json)

Add / Edit Blog Post

  1. Copy blogs/template folder as new folder in blog directory, e.g. blog/deep_learning
  2. Edit index.html file in the copied folder. Store any linked media (images, css, etc.) within this folder.
  3. Edit "blogs.json" with the following properties:
    • folder (name of folder created)
    • date created (MM/DD/YYYY)
    • title
    • summary (2 sentences)
    • authors (list of full names of fellow or mentor. should match names used in mentors.json or fellows.json)