Opensea Lootbox contract review

Reviewed by: Osazee Oghagbon


MyLootBox - a randomized and openable lootbox of MyCollectibles

The MylootBox contract creates a lootbox component for Mycollectibles where each lootbox can be traded just like regular items — but they can also be "opened" to redeem the actual would create these new items according to some pseudo-random logic. For example, a game might want to issue a pack of items randomly generating an item of a certain ability level, or a set of cards with some probability of getting a "mythic" or "legendary" card. These items will simply implement the unpack method, which burns the LootBox and mints a new item.


ReentrancyGuard.sol contract is used to ensures that a function should be called only once per transaction.

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol";

Contract module which allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism that can be triggered by an authorized account.

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol";

OpenZeppelin ownable.sol provides Ownable for implementing ownership in your contracts. By default, the owner of an Ownable contract is the account that deployed it, which is usually exactly what you want.

Ownable also lets you: transferOwnership from the owner account to a new one, and

renounceOwnership for the owner to relinquish this administrative privilege, a common pattern after an initial stage with centralized administration is over.

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";

State Variables

struct OptionSettings {
    // Number of items to send per open.
    // Set to 0 to disable this Option.
    uint256 maxQuantityPerOpen;
    // Probability in basis points (out of 10,000) of receiving each class (descending)
    uint16[NUM_CLASSES] classProbabilities;
    // Whether to enable `guarantees` below
    bool hasGuaranteedClasses;
    // Number of items you're guaranteed to get, for each class
    uint16[NUM_CLASSES] guarantees;
  mapping (uint256 => OptionSettings) public optionToSettings;
  mapping (uint256 => uint256[]) public classToTokenIds;
  mapping (uint256 => bool) public classIsPreminted;
  uint256 seed;
  uint256 constant INVERSE_BASIS_POINT = 10000;


LootBoxOpened (uint256,address,uint256,uint256)
uint256 optionId
address buyer
uint256 boxesPurchased
uint256 itemsMinted

OwnershipTransferred (address,address)
address previousOwner
address newOwner

Paused (address)
address account

PauserAdded (address)
address account

PauserRemoved (address)
address account

Unpaused (address)
address account

Warning (string,address)
string message
address account


_proxyRegistryAddress is The address of the OpenSea/Wyvern proxy registry

_nftAddress The address of the non-fungible/semi-fungible item contract that you want to mint/transfer with each open

constructor nonpayable (address,address)
address _proxyRegistryAddress
address _nftAddress


setClassForTokenId nonpayable (uint256,uint256)

If the tokens for some class are pre-minted and owned by the contract owner, they can be used for a given class by setting them here

uint256 _tokenId
uint256 _classId

setTokenIdsForClass nonpayable (uint8,uint256[])

Alternate way to add token ids to a class

uint8 _class
uint256[] _tokenIds

resetClass nonpayable (uint256)

Remove all token ids for a given class, causing it to fall back to creating/minting into the nft address

uint256 _classId

setTokenIdsForClasses nonpayable (uint256[6])

    Set token IDs for each rarity class. Bulk version of `setTokenIdForClass`

    uint256[6] _tokenIds: List of token IDs to set for each class, specified above in order

setOptionSettings nonpayable (uint8,uint256,uint16[6],uint16[6]) Set the settings for a particular lootbox option

    uint8 _option: The Option to set settings for
    uint256 _maxQuantityPerOpen: Maximum number of items to mint per open. Set to 0 to disable this option.
    uint16[6] _classProbabilities: Array of probabilities (basis points, so integers out of 10,000) of receiving each class (the index in the array). Should add up to 10k and be descending in value.
    uint16[6] _guarantees: Array of the number of guaranteed items received for each class (the index in the array).

setSeed nonpayable (uint256) Improve pseudorandom number generator by letting the owner set the seed manually, making attacks more difficult

    uint256 _newSeed: The new seed to use for the next transaction


open nonpayable (uint256,address,uint256) Open a lootbox manually and send what's inside to _toAddress Convenience method for contract owner.

    uint256 _optionId
    address _toAddress
    uint256 _amount

_mint nonpayable (uint256,address,uint256,bytes) minting logic for lootboxes which is called via safeTransferFrom when MyLootBox extends MyFactory. NOTE: prices and fees are determined by the sell order on OpenSea. Parameters uint256 _optionId address _toAddress uint256 _amount bytes _data

withdraw nonpayable ()


uri view (uint256) Parameters uint256 _optionId Return Values string _0

name view ()

    Return Values
    string _0

symbol view ()

    Return Values
    string _0