------------------------------------- Scoop 1.1 development by Rusty Foster <rusty@kuro5hin.org> README: $Revision: 1.27 $ $Date: 2006/04/26 20:56:47 $ $Author: jeremy $ ------------------------------------- Scoop (which stands for "Scoop Is Not A Recursive Acronym", by the way) started out as an improved replacement for the Slash weblog system. It has since grown into a fairly full-featured content management/discussion engine. This tarball will function as a CVS checkout (as it is literally a tarball of exactly that). If it's much past the date above, try doing: $ cvs update from within the top scoop/ directory to get the freshest code, or run the get-scoop.sh script provided. It will create a scoop/ directory in the current working directory and grab the CVS code. Please note that it requires you have both the CVS utilities and SSH installed and available. ------------ The License: ------------ Scoop is licensed under the GNU GPL. You will find a copy of this license in the file named "LICENSE." ---------- To Install ---------- Read the Installation section of the Scoop Administrators Guide (it's in the doc/scoop_admin_guide/ directory). Lots more info and support is available at http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/. We also hang out in #scoop on irc.slashnet.org. Good luck! Quick install instructions: 1) install expat 2) install MySQL 3) install Apache with mod_perl 4) install the following perl modules from CPAN (or use install.pl which will attempt to install all these modules for you) DBI DBD::mysql Digest::MD5 Apache::DBI Apache::Test Apache::Request Class::Singleton Crypt::UnixCrpyt Mail::Sendmail String::Random Time::CTime Time::Timezone XML::Parser LWP Crypt::CBC Crypt::Blowfish XML::RSS Cache::Memcached 5) (optional) install the aspell libraries and Text::Aspell for Spellchecking support 6) (optional) install Crypt::SSLeay for PayPal support 7) (optional) run install.pl - this will perform steps 8, 9, and 10 for you 8) create a MySQL database and user for Scoop 9) load struct/scoop.sql into the database 10) edit etc/httpd-location.conf or etc/httpd-vhost.conf to suit your configuration 11) add an Include directive to the main httpd.conf referring to your Scoop configuration file 12) stop then start Apache 13) Scoop should be running. If it isn't, see the Scoop Admin Guide for troubleshooting. ---------- To Upgrade ---------- Check out the Upgrading section on the Scoop Administrators Guide (it's in the doc/scoop_admin_guide/ directory). ------- Credits ------- See the CREDITS file in this directory.