ACTS test framework

A test framework for ACTS development. Absolutely not intended for production usage.

Build requirements

The framework can be build in different configurations. The minimal setup requires a C++14 compatible compiler, the Intel TBB library, ROOT, and all requirements of the core ACTS library. Additional packages might be required depending on which of the following built options


are activated/deactivated during the configuration step, e.g. as cmake -DUSE_DD4HEP=on .... The ACTS Core library and the ACTS Fatras library will be built automatically as part of the framework built process. For details please see the CMakeLists.txt file.

ACTS Submodule

To keep track of the correct combination of framework and ACTS version, a copy of the ACTS library is provided as a git submodule in the acts directory. Please have a look at the [git-submodule documentation][git-book-submodule] for an introduction to how git submodules work.

If you clone the framework repository you have to either clone with the --recursive option or run the following commands afterwards

git submodule init
git submodule update

to download a copy of the specified version. The framework repository only stores the remote path and the commit id of the used ACTS version. On your branch you can update it to the specific branch that you are working on, but please switch to a tagged-version or the master branch before merging back.

The ACTS version defined by the submodule is also used to run the continous integration on Gitlab and you can the scripts are therefore run automatically with your specific version.

Guidelines for writing an algorithm

All examples in the framework are based on a simple event loop, i.e. a logic that executes a set of services, readers, processing algorithms, and writers for each event. The available algorithms differ in their purpose and consequently in the interface they provide:

  • A service is intended to provide slowly changing or constant information, e.g. geometry and alignment, for each event. A service implements the IService interface with the startRun and prepare methods. Computationally expensive initialization should be executed in the startRun method. A service can have an internal state and each implementation has to ensure that concurrent calls are valid. Services are called before all other algorithms.
  • A reader should be used to read per-event data from disk and provide it to other algorithms via the event store. A reader implements the IReader interface and with the availableEvents and read methods. A reader can have an internal state and each implementation has to ensure that concurrent calls are valid. Readers are always called after all services.
  • An algorithm is anything that processes event data e.g. simulations or reconstruction algorithms should use this interface. An algorithm implements the IAlgorithm interface with the execute method. An algorithm must not have an internal state in order to be callable concurrently without additional precautions. Processing algorithms are called after the readers. Most algorithms should try to use the BareAlgorithm helper class to simplify the implementation.
  • A writer takes existing data from the event store and writes it to disk. A writer implements the IWriter interface and with the write and endRun methods. A writer can not modify the event store but can have an internal state. Each implementation has to ensure that concurrent calls are valid. Writers are called after all other algorithms.

All algorithms also have to implement the name method to be able to identify them.

To simplify interactions between different algorithms please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Communication between different algorithms must only happen via the event store provided by the AlgorithmContext. Output collections or objects should be transfered to the store at the end of the execution. To allow to run the same algorithm with multiple configurations the names of input and output objects should be configurable for an algorithm.
  • Try to avoid tight coupling between algorithms. Use the predefined event data types to exchange data. That way algorithms can be easily exchanged.
  • Strictly separate computation from input and output. Input and output algorithms must be implemented using the IReader and IWriter interface. They should only read in the data from file and add them to the event store or read objects from the event store and write them to file. Again, names of the objects that are read/written should be configurable.

Examples should be written in a modular way using the framework components, such as writers and the sequencer. Options are to be defined using the boost::program_options syntax.