
Public data from #osb15 for analysis


  • @jamey_sharp
  • @stagedtheology
  • @tklee
  • @galgeek
  • @edrex

Raw Data

...is what this repository contains.

Also here's the proposal json converted to a spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XZfB3b9_TfQ855yhBCEFHxtTeI9AX00rvj74py-vRp0/edit?usp=sharing


  • Can we find like-minded people based on favorites?
  • Can we generate BOF sessions in advance?
  • Can we design a schedule to minimize conflicts among sessions?
    • Cost assignment (based on timestamp?)
    • HARD CONFLICTS: Speaker can't appear in multiple locations
  • Can we optimize room size based on favorites?
  • Do favorites predict attendance?
  • Do clickthroughs on description predict attendance? (We don't have data, but maybe!)
  • Can we (from full text description) predict:
    • level?
    • attendance?
    • # of favorites?
    • track?
    • which talks will be accepted?
