This Flask application allows you to perform emotion detection on user-provided text. It defines the routes and functions necessary to analyze text for emotions and display the results.
- Start the Flask application to run the emotion detection service.
- Author: Oscar Rincon
Make sure you have the required libraries installed:
pip install flask
To run the application, execute the following command:
bash Copy code python By default, the application will be available at http://localhost:5000.
Routes Emotion Detection Endpoint: /emotionDetector (GET)
This route analyzes the emotion of a given text and returns the results.
textToAnalyze: The text to analyze for emotions. Example usage:
http Copy code GET /emotionDetector?textToAnalyze=I am so happy! Response: For the given statement, the system response is:
- 'anger': 0,
- 'disgust': 0,
- 'fear': 0,
- 'joy': 0.8,
- 'sadness': 0.2. The dominant emotion is 'joy'. Home Page Endpoint: / (GET)
This route renders the main application page over the Flask channel.