
Tutorial for NuxtJS + GraphQL + Apollo + Vuetify

Primary LanguageVue



npx create-nuxt-app nuxt-graphql

npm install --save-dev @nuxtjs/vuetify
npm install --save @nuxtjs/axios

npm install --save @nuxtjs/apollo
npm install --save graphql-tag

Setup Configuration in nuxt.config.js

buildModules: [
modules: [
apollo: {
    clientConfigs: {
      default: {
        httpEndpoint: "http://localhost:8080/graphql"

Creating Queries


import gql from 'graphql-tag'

export const GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY = gql`
  query getAllUsers {
    getAllUsers {
      // Fields to retrieve

Using Mutations


Much like queries, we can also use mutations by creating a gql-string.

import gql from 'graphql-tag'

export const CREATE_USER_MUTATION = gql`
  mutation createUser($user: UserInput!) {
    createUser(user: $user)

Our createUser mutation expects a UserInput input, and, to be able to use parameters passed by Apollo. We will first define a variable with the $ called user. Then, the outside wrapper will pass the variable to the createUser mutation, as expected by the server.


In order to keep our gql-type strings tidy and readable, we can use fragments to reuse query logic.

fragment UserFragment on User {
  name: String!
  age: Int!

query getAllUsers {
  getAllUsers {

Using GraphQL in Vue components

    <div class="graphql-test">
        <h3 v-if="loading">Loading...</h3>
        <h4 v-if="!loading">{{ getAllUsers }}</h4>

import { GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY } from '../graphl/queries/userQueries'
export default {
    name: 'GraphQLTest',
    data () {
        return {
            users: []
    async mounted () {
        this.loading = true
        this.users = await this.$apollo.query({ query: GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY })
        this.loading = false

If we want to create a user, we can use a mutation:

    <div class="graphql-test">
        <input v-model="user.name" type="text" placeholder="Name" />
        <input v-model="user.age" placeholder="Age" />
        <button @click="createUser">Create User</button>

import { CREATE_USER_MUTATION } from '../graphl/queries/userQueries'
export default {
    name: 'GraphQLTest',
    data() {
        return {
            user: {
                name: null,
                age: null
    methods: {
        async createUser () {
            const userCreated = await this.$apollo.mutate({
                mutation: CREATE_USER_MUTATION,
                variables: {
                    user: this.user // this should be the same name as the one the server is expecting
            // We log the created user ID

Using this approach lets us micro-manage when and where our mutations and queries will execute. Now we will see some other ways of handling these methods that Vue Apollo gives us.

The Apollo Object

Inside our Vue components, we get access to the Apollo object, which can be used to easily manage our queries and subscriptions:

    <div class="graphql-test">
        {{ getAllUsers }}

import { GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY } from '../graphl/queries/userQueries'
export default {
    name: 'GraphQL-Test',
    apollo: {
        getAllUsers: {
            query: GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY

Refetching Queries

When defining a query inside the Apollo object, it is possible to refetch this query when calling a mutation or another query with the refetch method or the refetchQueries property:

    <div class="graphql-test">
        {{ getAllUsers }}

import { GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY, CREATE_USER_MUTATION } from '../graphl/queries/userQueries'
export default {
    name: 'GraphQL-Test',
    apollo: {
        getAllUsers: {
            query: GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY
    methods: {
        refetch () {
        queryUsers () {
            const user = { name: Lucas, age: 26 }
                mutation: CREATE_USER_MUTATION,
                variables: {
                refetchQueries: [
                    { query: GET_ALL_USERS_QUERY }

Apollo Object Properties

  • query: This is the gql type string referring to the query that wants to get triggered.
  • variables: An object that accepts the parameters being passed to a given query.
  • fetchPolicy: A property that sets the way the query will interact with the cache. The options are cache-and-network, network-only, cache-only, no-cache, standby and the default is cache-first.
  • pollInterval: Time in milliseconds that determines how often a query will automatically trigger.

Special Options

  • $error to catch errors in a set handler.
  • $deep watches deeply for changes in a query.
  • $skip: disables all queries and subscriptions in a given component.
  • $skipAllQueries: disables all queries from a component.
  • $skipAllSubscriptions: to disables all subscriptions in a component.

Apollo Components

  • ApolloQuery
    <template slot-scope="{ result: { loading, error, data } }">
        <!-- Loading -->
        <div v-if="loading">Query is loading.</div>

        <!-- Error -->
        <div v-else-if="error">We got an error!</div>

        <!-- Result -->
        <div v-else-if="data">{{ data.getAllUsers }}</div>

        <!-- No result (if the query succeed but there's no data) -->
        <div v-else>No result from the server</div>
  • ApolloMutation
    <template slot-scope="{ mutate, loading, error }">
        <!-- Loading -->
        <h4 v-if="loading">The mutation is loading!</h4>

        <!-- Mutation Trigger -->
        <button @click="mutate()">Create User</button>

        <!-- Error -->
        <p v-if="error">An error has occurred!</p>