FastApi CORS Proxy Server


FastApi server to replace any server header Access-Control-Allow-Origin with header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin for requests to [protocol]://[hostname]/<targetURL> where [protocol] and [hostname] are those of the FastApi CORS proxy server.

Additionally if params _proxy_usename and _proxy_password are in url, and env variables $PROXY_HOST and $PROXY_PORT exist in server then they are used as params to use the following proxy:

  • http://{_proxy_usename}:{_proxy_password}@{PROXY_HOST}:{PROXY_PORT}
    NOTE: _proxy_password needs be url encoded.


A client sent request to https://localhost:8086/cors/<targetURL>, the FastApi CORS proxy server (CPS) makes the same the request to <targetURL>, and when the CPS receives the response from <targetURL>, the CPS sets header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin on the response, after suppressing that header coming from <targetURL>, and pass it back to client.

If the client is a browser this allows to avoid CORS errors.


You need serve the CPS over https if the client is a web page served over https.
Then you need create certificates first.
For a dev environment, mkcert is very convenient.


Run the following in sequence:

  • Certificates:

    # create local dev certificate
  • Build:

    # in folder /scripts
  • Run:

    # in folder /scripts
    curl -H 'Origin:' -vI -X GET https://localhost:8443/cors/
    curl -H 'Origin:' -vI -X GET https://localhost:8443/cors/

See demo notebook test-cors.ipynb.