This is an Online store that allows you to browse through a fixed database of tree seed products. It has Cart functionality that also shows you the quantity, prices, and total of your oder to be placed.
After successfully logging in, you will be presented with a collections of Tree Seed species. You can click a button at the end of the page to show the next collection of products. Each product card shows the price and has an 'add to cart' button. The car component, accessible via the navigation bar at the top, will show all the products you have added to your cart including the quantity and price of each, and the total of the order. In the cart section you can change the status of the order to mark it as a completed order.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Auth using JWT and bcrypt
First, I will begin with the Back end setup.
- Rails should be installed on your machine. Run
gem install rails
, if permission is needed run withsudo
- Make sure the database is created by running
rails db:create
- Load Migrations to schema
rails db:migrate
- Load seed info
rails db:setup
- Start up the Rails Server
rails server
or test via console withrails console
Launch Front-end React App:
npm start
runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.