
Git with Confidence - workshop materials

Git with Confidence

This git repository contains materials that complement the "Git with Confidence" workshop. To cater to all platforms and give you a good fundamental understanding of git, this workshop will cover git usage on the command line.

Graphical git tools are available, a list of them for each platform can be found here: TODO

Before the workshop

To get the most out of the workshop, we ask that you install git and create an account on GitHub before starting.

Creating a GitHub account

  1. Open github.com
  2. On the top-right of the screen, choose "Sign Up".
  3. Create an account with your email address and any username.
  4. Once you're account has been created, go to github.com/oscarbailey/git-workshop
  5. Click the "Fork" button on the top right of the page.

Installing Git

Instructions for installing Git for your platform:

Ubuntu Linux

For Ubuntu Linux, open your terminal and type:

    sudo apt-get install -y git

then press the enter key.

To check it's installed correctly, type git --version and press enter again. You should see something similar to this: (Don't worry if the version number isn't the same)

git version 2.24.0


Go to this page and download the Windows installer: https://git-scm.com/downloads

Run the installer with all the default settings selected.

When complete, check that everything's installed correctly by opening your start menu and searching for Git bash. When you open git bash, you should see a terminal window. In the terminal, type git --version and press enter.

You should see something similar to this: (Don't worry if the version number isn't the same)

git version 2.24.0



Index of files:

  • cheatsheet/

The cheatsheet contains a printable page of git commands to get you started using git.