Supplement to Boric acid and borate incorporation in inorganic calcite inferred from B/Ca, boron isotopes and surface kinetic modeling by Farmer et al (2018).

Main publication available here.


  1. Solution Speciation: An investigation of different solution chemistry calculation methods (various databases in PHREEQC, and MyAMI).
  2. Model Fitting: Fitting the model to data, calculating the model 95% confidence interval by bootstrapping, and investigating the possible influence of isotope fractionation during incorporation.
  3. Model Application to Other Precipitates: Re-calculating all available paired B/Ca and d11B data from inorganic calcites to a uniform 'precipitation rate' scale, and fitting the model.

All data discussed in the study are available in the 'inorganic_B_data.csv' file.


All the above work in Python 3.6. Code in these notebooks relies on various functions contained in the inorg_b module, in this repository.

Speciation calculation also requires a working installation of phreeqpy, and you will have to modify the phreeq_path variable of the calc_cb_rows used in the Solution Speciation notebook to point at your local file.