Private Events

Basic usage of Rails routes, controller, models, views and sessions. This is a project for practice with associations and active record by creating an app with a similar functionality of Eventbrite


Assignment page - The Odin Project


Ruby - Rails - ActiveRecord - PostgreSQL - SQLite

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Git
  • Ruby 2.6.5
  • Rails 6


To clone the project in your local environment do the following.

  • Open a new terminal window and navigate to the directory where the project will be stored.
  • Run the command git clone
  • Run the command cd mv-rails-05-private-events to enter the project directory.


  • Install the required gems running the command bundle install --without production.
  • Install the required node modules running the command yarn install.
  • Create and migrate the database running the command rails db:migrate.
  • If you want to use the database seeds run the command rails db:seed.


  • Click on Sign up now! and fill the form to create your account.

Nav bar links

  • Click on Home to navigate to the home page.
  • Click on user to navigate to the user profile.
  • Click on Log out to end your session.

Create Events

  • Fill the form in the left part of the home page with your event description, location, date and hour.
  • Once you post your Event, it will be displayed on the right list of the home page. Notice that depending on the event date, it will be classified as previous or next event.

Run tests

  • Run the command rails test.


  • To start the local server run the command rails server.


👤 Oscar De La Lanza

👤 Tiago Ferreira

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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