============ pyreadernaut ============ Simple python wrapper around the Readernaut.com API. ------------ Installation ------------ You can install by running the following command inside this directory. python setup.py install You can also install using either ``easy_install`` or ``pip``. easy_install pyreadernaut pip install pyreadernaut Or you can just place readernaut.py somewhere on your python path. -------------- Usage Examples -------------- This example gets a list of the books that 'oscarduignan' is reading. import readernaut book_list = readernaut.get_books('oscarduignan', 'reading') for book in book_list: print '%s by %s' % (book['title'], ', '.join(book['authors'])) The Readernaut API only returns the first 20 results, you can request the next 20 results by passing in a dict with the optional url data. book_list = readernaut.get_books('oscarduignan', 'reading', {'page': 2}) You can control the order of the results in the same way. book_list = readernaut.get_books('oscarduignan', 'reading', {'order': '-modified'}) The above should be enough for most users, but you will find there are a few more functions which you may find useful if you look at the source code. Readernaut API documentation (http://groups.google.com/group/readernaut-api/web/restful-api-overview) ------- Changes ------- 0.1 - initial release 0.2 - readernaut API differed from their documentation, adjusted README.txt 0.3 - query strings were not being appened to url correctly, fixed