
Experiences on Yang Network Models for network management and operation


Experiences on Yang Network Models for network management and operation


  1. Oscar Gonzalez de Dios (Telefonica): Introduction, goals of the side meeting (5 min). Experiences in Telefonica with Network Models (5 min)
  2. Victor Lopez (Nokia) Use of devices models in the norhtbound of a controller (5 min)
  3. Samier Barguil (Nokia) Experiences with L3NM, missing pieces (5 min)
  4. Qin Wu (Huawei) Network models (10 min)
  5. Open Discussion (30 min)

Discussion topics:

  • How much work is yet to be done regarding Network Yang models?
  • Can all that work be done in OpsaWG?
  • Is the current functionality available in Restconf and netconf enough for the management and operation of a network using Network Yang models?
  • How to retrive/expose/document Network model to device configuration mapping logic