
A simple caching reverse proxy for GraphQL APIs, based on Fastify

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Simple GraphQL Caching Reverse Proxy


This project provides a simple caching reverse proxy for GraphQL APIs. It is built using Fastify, NodeCache, and Undici.


  • Node.js >= 20.6.0


npm install

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and set the following variables:

  • SGCRP_FORWARD_URL: URL of the GraphQL server to forward requests to (Required).
  • SGCRP_ADMIN_SECRET: Admin secret key for privileged operations like cache purging (Required).
  • SGCRP_PORT: Port on which the proxy server will run. Default is 8080.
  • SGCRP_CACHE_TTL_SECONDS: Time-to-live for cache in seconds. Default is 120.
  • SGCRP_VARY_HEADERS: Comma-separated list of headers that should be varied in the cache.


Run the development server:

npm run dev


Compile TypeScript to JavaScript:

npm run build


Start the compiled JavaScript code:

npm start

API Endpoints

  • POST /proxy: Forwards and caches GraphQL requests.
  • DELETE /caches and POST /hooks/purge : Purges the cache (Admin only).


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.