This project serves as a discord bot for the purpose of managing reminders as well as performing various Dungeons and Dragons gameplay functions. The goal was to produce an integrated service that provides various quality-of-life functionalities to groups looking to plan DnD events together.
- Heroku
- Java
- Discord4j
- MySQL (clearDB)
This project is currently gets hosted locally run through the command line, with the required tokens being stored in a local .env file in the root folder. You can use this bot either locally or remotely, depending on preference.
- Clone the repository
- Edit the placeholder value in for the discord bot token to your own (learn how to create one at
- Edit the placeholder value in for the MySQL server credentials to your own (learn to set one up at
- Add your bot to your discord channel
- Edit the value in (line 21) to your desired output channel's id (learn how at,the%20number%20is%20the%20ID.)
- Run the program locally either through cmd or powershell
- Setting a reminder:
- syntax: !setreminder YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM message
- function: Sets a reminder and uploads it into the MySQL server with the date, time, and message.
- Deleting a reminder:
- syntax: !deletereminder start-of-message
- function: Deletes the first reminder that contains the given keyword.
- Delete all reminders:
- syntax: !deleteallreminders
- function: Deletes all reminders in the database. Not really a smart command but was fun to add.
- Display all reminders:
- syntax: !displayallreminders
- function: Displays all reminders currently present in the database.
- Reminder commands:
- syntax: !reminderhelp
- function: Displays instructions on how to use the reminder commands as well as the necessary syntax.
- add Player: syntax: !addPlayer without spaces function: adds a player to the game.
- remove Player: syntax !removePlayer without spaces function: removes the player from the game.
- list Players: work in progress
- roll: syntax: !roll , use #d# dice rolls, use # for constant modifier, use '+' to string rolls together. function: rolls the list of dices and returns a single rolled value.
- skill work in progress function: roll a single d20 for a corresponding stat, looks up player in the game list for modifiers