
Perform Data Assimilation on the Simplex. Models an ensemble with a mixture of Dirichlets.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Simplex Assimilate: Data assimilation on the simplex



pip install simplex-assimilate

File Structure

  • simplex_assimilate/ source code
  • simplex_assimilate/cdf.py Conditional distribution functions for the mixed dirichlet prior.
  • simplex_assimilate/quantize.py Convert floating point samples to fixed point representation.
  • simplex_assimilate/dirichlet.py Model samples on the simplex with a mixture of Dirichlet distributions. Fit parameters by maximum likelihood.
  • simplex_assimilate/transport.py Optimal transport of samples on the simplex.
  • tests/ unit tests
  • coverage_report/ coverage reports

See Also