
Cross compiled filebeat-6.6.0 for ARMv7.

Elastic does not provide Filebeat binaries for ARMv7.

This proyect contains the filebeat binary cross compiled and substituted in the official filebeat 6.6.0 linux package.

Filebeat can be cross-compiled with:

# ----- Instantiate an immutable Go container for cross-compilation ----- #
mkdir build && cd $_
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/build golang:1.11 /bin/bash

# ----- Inside Go container ----- #
go get
cd /go/src/
git checkout v6.6.0
GOARCH=arm go build
cp filebeat /build

# ----- Verify the output file ----- #
file filebeat
#filebeat: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped

The newly built filebeat binary generated has been substituted in the official filebeat 6.6.0 linux package