
Merging contigs

This code is useful to merge contigs (generally any sequences). We have used this code to merge contigs, align back to the reference and detect SVs.

The steps are:

  1. Perform a self-alignment using BLAST
  2. Merge the sequences using the BLAST output ( The two most important tunable parameters are the amount of overlap between sequences and the number of allowable mismatches.

The sequences selected to be be merged can be evaluated using

# fosmids.fasta has all the fosmids sequence to be merged
module load blast/2.7.1+
blastn \
  -query test/seqs.fasta \
  -subject test/seqs.fasta \
  -outfmt "6 length pident nident mismatch gapopen gaps qseqid qstart qend qlen sseqid sstart send slen sstrand" > \
# blast.txt is the output from the blast output
# blast_edited.txt is the blast output used for merging
# seqs_groups.txt is a txt file with seqs that belong together
# seqs_to_ignore.txt is a txt file with seqs that should be ignored
# seqs_to_merge.txt is a txt file with seqs that are being merged
# seqs.fasta is the input fasta used for BLAST
# merged_seqs.fasta is the output fasta
# 5000 the minimum number of bases to overlap
# 1 is the maximum allowed errors
python Fosmids/python/ 
  blast.txt \
  blast_edited.txt \
  seqs_groups.txt \
  seqs_to_ignore.txt \
  seqs_to_merge.txt \
  test/seqs.fasta \
  merged_seqs.fasta \
  300 \
# seqs_to_ref.sorted.bam is the bam file with the fosmids aligned
# seqs_to_ref_grouped.sorted.bam is the bam file with the fosmids that are to be merged
# seq_groups.txt is the output from above
python Fosmids/python/ \
  seqs_to_ref.sorted.bam \
  seqs_to_ref_grouped.sorted.bam \
samtools index seqs_to_ref_grouped.sorted.bam

Parse IGenotyper alleles using IMGT V-Quest

python -h
usage: [-h] [--species SPECIES] [--locus LOCUS]
                                assembly_genes ccs_genes samples_fofn

Process IGenotyper alleles

positional arguments:
  assembly_genes      assembly_genes.fasta IGenotyper output
  ccs_genes           ccs_genes.fasta IGenotyper output
  samples_fofn        A single column file with file paths of
                      assemble_genes.fasta for other samples
  airr_vquest_output  AIRR IMGT v-quest output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --species SPECIES   Species. Must be an IMGT option
  --locus LOCUS       Receptor or Locus type. Must be an IMGT option

Get sequence (fasta file) from bam file for each bed entry

python/ <bed file> <bam file> > <fasta file>

Get tab delimited file with number of reads per bed entry file

python/ <bed file> <bam file> > <tab-delim file>

Get regions (bed file) with coverage

python/ <bam file> > <bed file>

Calculate true positive, false positeve rate, and number of false positive and true negative SNVs

LENGTH is the amount of bases compared. For example, LENGTH is the number of bases that overlap between two assemblies.

python/ <true VCF> <test VCF> <LENGTH>

Extract reads by read name from bam file (code found online)

python/ -b <bam file> -n <list of read names> -o <bam file>

Extract sequences from region

python/ <bam file> <chrom> <start> <end> > <fasta file>

Get mapping coordinates of bam entries

python/ <bam file> > <bed file>

bash scripts

Create bam file with BLASR

bash/ <reads fasta file> <ref fasta file> <threads> <prefix> <n>

Assemble fosmids

bash/ <dir> <subreads bam> <chrom> <start> <end> <fosmid name> <subreads_to_ref bam file>

ig - code for ig projects

Fosmid related code

Fosmid related code

python python/ <alignment_file> <fasta file with fosmid seq>

This is the code that was used to merge fosmid sequences and fosmids sequences with contigs from capture data. It takes as input the alignment file and a fasta file with sequences to merge. The alignmentfile is the file created in excel using the blast output. ## To do: Add example

BAC related code

sh bash/ \
  <outdir> \
  <input bam> \
  <genome size> \
  <backbone fasta>

Example pipeline:
bax2bam ${bax1} ${bax2} ${bax3} -o assemble/A1                                                                                                     
sh bash/ \
  assemble \
  assemble/A1.subreads.bam \
  200000 \

This is the code that is used to assemble BACs.