
App que muestra de una forma mas intuitiva y amigable la plataforma Moodle.

Primary LanguageDart


Squirtle es una app que muestra de una forma mas amigable e intuitiva la plataforma de Moodle (DUTIC), además de contar con funcionalidades extra para la creación de tareas.
El objetivo de Squirtle es brindar una mejor experiencia a los alumnos de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa.

Uso de la API

Se esta haciendo uso de la API de Moodle, especificamente DUTIC, esta app fue hecha solo con fines academicos.


Para la realizacion del prototipo y modelo de vistas se usó Figma, lo cual permitió poder trabar en equipo y en tiempo real para la realización de cada una de las vista. Puede visitar la vista del prototipo en el siguiente link Prototipo Squirtle.

Image of Login Image of Home Image of Profile


Se hizo uso del framework Flutter.

Construccion automática

Dentro de la carpeta android/app tenemos el archivo build.gradle el cual se usa para la construccion automatica.\

Dentro del archivo buil.gradle podemos incorporar las librerias que necesita la app.

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
    implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics:17.2.2'

Tambien podemos configurar la version del SDK de compilacion

android {
    compileSdkVersion 28
    defaultConfig {html).
        applicationId "com.example.squirtle"
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 28
        versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
        versionName flutterVersionName

Adicionalmente tenemos el archivo pubspec.yaml, que usa el framework Flutter para el manejo de packetes de la app.

name: squirtle
description: A new Flutter project.

version: 1.0.0+1

  sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"

    sdk: flutter
  get: ^3.4.1
  provider: ^4.3.1
  http: ^0.12.2
  image_picker: ^0.6.6+1
  scidart: ^0.0.1-dev.6
      url: https://github.com/oscarnar/flutter_opencv.git
  path_provider: ^0.5.0+1
  image: ^2.1.12
  flutter_image_compress: ^0.7.0
  firebase_ml_vision: ^0.9.4

Para construir con la configuracion hecha podemos correr el comando, el framework ya incorpora la ejecucion de gradle.

flutter build

Para probar debemos instalar el archivo apk que se genera.


Por el momento se pueden hacer las funciones de:

  • Login de un usario
  • Ver el lista de cursos
  • Ver la información de temas de cada curso
  • Ver tareas
  • Crear tareas
  • Ver el perfil de usuario

Estilos de programación


class Server {
  static const String LoginURL =
  static const String ServerURL =
  // Services
  static const String LoginService = 'moodle_mobile_app';
  static const String InfoService = 'core_webservice_get_site_info';
  static const String CoursesFunction = 'core_enrol_get_users_courses';

Future<dynamic> serviceLogin({@required dynamic body}) async {
  var url = Server.LoginURL;
  var response = await http.post(url, body: body);
  return json.decode(response.body);

Future<dynamic> service({@required dynamic body}) async {
  var url = Server.ServerURL;
  var response = await http.post(url, body: body);
  return json.decode(response.body);


import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:opencv/core/core.dart';
import 'package:opencv/core/imgproc.dart';

Future<Uint8List> cannyContours(
    {Uint8List image, double minT, double maxT}) async {
  dynamic ima = await ImgProc.cvtColor(image, ImgProc.colorBGR2GRAY);
  ima = await ImgProc.gaussianBlur(ima, [5.0,5.0],0);
  //ima = await ImgProc.bilateralFilter(ima, 9, 75, 75, Core.borderConstant);
  //ima = await ImgProc.adaptiveThreshold(ima, 255,
  // ImgProc.adaptiveThreshGaussianC, ImgProc.threshBinary, 7, 15);
  //ima = await ImgProc.medianBlur(ima, 5);
  ima = await ImgProc.canny(ima, minT, maxT);
  //ima = await ImgProc.threshold(ima, 120, 255, ImgProc.threshBinary);
  //ima = await ImgProc.dilate(ima, [1, 1]);
  //ima = await ImgProc.erode(ima, [1, 1]);
  return ima;

Future<dynamic> findContours({Uint8List image, double minT, double maxT}) async {
  Uint8List ima = await cannyContours(image: image,minT: minT, maxT: maxT);
  dynamic edges = await ImgProc.onlyFindContours(ima);
  return edges;


onPressed: () {
    if (_formKey.currentState.validate()) {
        User userTemp = Provider.of<UserProvider>(context,listen: false).userLogin;
              content: Text('Procesando...'),

        loginService(username: userTemp.username, password: userTemp.password)
            .then((value) {
        if (value.containsKey('error')) {
                    content: Text('User or Password invalid'),
        } else {
            userInfoService(token: value['token']).then((response) {
                if (response.containsKey('exception') || response == null) {
                            content: Text('Error accediendo a DUTIC'),
                } else {
                    User userTempInfo = User.fromJSON(response);
                    userTempInfo.username = userTemp.username;
                    userTempInfo.password = userTemp.password;
                    userTempInfo.token = value['token'];
                    Provider.of<UserProvider>(context, listen: false).user = userTempInfo;

                        (Route<dynamic> route) => false,


S — Single Responsibility

I — Interface Segregation

class Server {
  static const String LoginURL =
  static const String ServerURL =
  // Services
  static const String LoginService = 'moodle_mobile_app';
  static const String InfoService = 'core_webservice_get_site_info';
  static const String CoursesFunction = 'core_enrol_get_users_courses';
  static const String CourseInfoFunction = 'core_course_get_contents';
  static const String TaskFunction = 'mod_assign_get_assignments';

  Future<dynamic> serviceLogin({@required dynamic body}) async {
    var url = Server.LoginURL;
    var response = await http.post(url, body: body);
    return json.decode(response.body);

  Future<dynamic> service({@required dynamic body}) async {
    var url = Server.ServerURL;
    var response = await http.post(url, body: body);
    return json.decode(response.body);

  Future<dynamic> userInfoService({@required String token}) async {
    var body = {
      'wsfunction': Server.InfoService,
      'moodlewsrestformat': 'json',
      'wstoken': token,
    return service(body: body);

D — Dependency Inversion

  • profile
    • components
      • backProfile.dart
      • description.dart
      • photoProfile.dart
    • profile.dart


Lenguaje ubicuo

Future<void> updateImage(Uint8List imgTemp) async {
    Provider.of<ImagenProvider>(context, listen: false).image.uint8 = imgTemp;
    Provider.of<ImagenProvider>(context, listen: false).image.imageObjet =
    final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    String name = "${directory.path}/${DateTime.now().toString()}.jpg";
    Provider.of<ImagenProvider>(context, listen: false).image.imageFile =

    setState(() {
      this.img = imgTemp;
      isCropImage = false;

Array2d getAffine(List<Point> src, List<Point> dst) {
  Array2d A = matrixZeros(6, 6);
  Array2d B = matrixZeros(6, 1);
  Array2d M = matrixZeros(2, 3);

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    A[i][0] = A[i + 3][3] = src[i].px;
    A[i][1] = A[i + 3][4] = src[i].py;

    A[i][2] = A[i + 3][5] = 1;
    B[i][0] = dst[i].px;
    B[i + 3][0] = dst[i].py;
  Array2d invA = matrixInverse(A);
  Array2d X = matrixDot(invA, B);
  int a = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      M[i][j] = X[a][0];
  return M;


class User {
  String firstname;
  String lastname;
  String urlPhoto;
  String urlPortada;
  String about;
  String token;
  String username;
  String password;
  String userID;
class Course {
  String name;
  String teacher;
  String photo;
  String courseID;
  int userCount;
  double progress;

  List<Tema> temasList = [];
  List<Task> tasksList = [];

    @required this.name,
    @required this.courseID,

Objetos de valor

class Tema {
  String id;
  String name;
  List<Module> modules = [];

  Tema({this.id, this.name, this.modules});

  factory Tema.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> response) {
    return Tema(
      name: response['name'],
      id: response['id'].toString(),
      modules: buildModules(response['modules']),
class Module {
  String idModule;
  String name;
  String modname;
  List<Content> contents = [];

  Module({this.idModule, this.name, this.modname, this.contents});

  factory Module.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> response) {
    return Module(
      name: response['name'],
      idModule: response['id'].toString(),
      modname: response['modname'],
      contents: response.containsKey('contents')
          ? buildContents(response['contents'])
          : [],


Future<dynamic> loginService(
    {@required String username, @required String password}) async {
  var url = Server.LoginURL;
  var valueJSON;
  var response = await http.post(url, body: {
    'username': username,
    'password': password,
    'service': Server.LoginService,
  print('Response status: ${response.statusCode}');
  print('Response body: ${response.body}');
  valueJSON = json.decode(response.body);
  return valueJSON;
Future<dynamic> userInfoService({@required String token}) async {
  var body = {
    'wsfunction': Server.InfoService,
    'moodlewsrestformat': 'json',
    'wstoken': token,
  return service(body: body);

Future<dynamic> userCoursesService({@required String token,@required String userid}) async {
  var body = {
    'wsfunction': Server.CoursesFunction,
    'moodlewsrestformat': 'json',
    'wstoken': token,
    'userid': userid,
  return service(body: body);


  • scanner
    • algorithms
      • affine.dart
      • cannyContours.dart
    • components
      • rotateImage.dart
      • textRecognition.dart
    • utils
      • points.dart
      • pointsPaint.dart
    • scanner.dart


factory Course.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> response) {
    return Course(
      name: onlyCourseName(response['fullname']),
      courseID: response['id'].toString(),
factory Tema.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> response) {
    return Tema(
      name: response['name'],
      id: response['id'].toString(),
      modules: buildModules(response['modules']),
factory User.fromJSON(Map<String,dynamic> response){
    return User(
      firstname: response['firstname'],
      lastname: response['lastname'],
      userID: response['userid'].toString(),
      urlPhoto: response['userpictureurl'],
void taskFromJSON(dynamic data){
    List listData = data['courses'] as List;
    for (int i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
      int index = getIndex(listData[i]['id'].toString());
      List listTask = listData[i]['assignments'] as List;
      for (int j = 0; j < listTask.length; j++){
        Task taskTemp = Task.fromJSON(listTask[j]);


class UserProvider with ChangeNotifier {
  User user = User();
  User userLogin;

  void editProfile(User temp) {
    this.user = temp;

class CourseProvider with ChangeNotifier {
  List<Course> listCourses = [];

  void addCourse(Course newCourse) {

  void coursesFromJSON(dynamic data) {
    List listData = data as List;
    for (int i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
      Course courseTemp = Course.fromJSON(listData[i]);