
This is a solidity project that made a ERC20 Token named OscarToken which is deployed on remixIDE.


This program is a smart contract written in Solidity. The is an ERC20 Token contract

I've created the contract and deployed it on remixIDE after compiling it. After deploying I have called the contract address on the online RemixIDE after connecting to the remixIDE addresses on RemixIDE. The contract functions appear on the RemixIDE and I can interact with the contract on the IDE.

Getting Started

Executing program

open remixIDE and paste this code at there and then we will be good to go to make our own token.

  • Go to https://remix.ethereum.org/
  • Go to the 'DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS' Tab and below in the At Address input box enter the contract address that you get after compiling and deplyoing the smart contract
  • The functions will appear and we can interact with it.


A R Ashutosh 21BCS4839