
This is a weather forecasting web-app.

you can give input of any place and this web-app will tell you the tempreture as well as the weather description of the place.

if you want to run this project locally.

step 1: open terminal and go to the directory you want this project to be placed. step 2: run this command in that directory git clone https://github.com/oscaroptics/pikachu_weather_app.git step 3: once, this repo is setup locally, download all the dependecies 1. navigate to weatherProject cd WeatherProject 2. install all dependencies npm install step 4: This project will be running on port3000 node app.js or you can download the nodemon using npm i nodemon after downloading nodemon, write this in your terminal nodemon app.js (this will automatically updating the server whenever any change is made.)

This is how you will be able to run this project.