
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a blockchain project. it's smart contract is written in solidity and frontend is written with help of reactJs. This project will increase and decrease the number.


This program is a smart contract written in Solidity, a programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The contract has a public variable number & 2 functions: increasenumber, decreasenumber which are used to increase and decrease the number. I have integrated the smart contract to a frontend built on ReactJS using Ether.js library and Hardhat. We can connect our metamask wallet and start interacting with the functions of the smart contract in a GUI using this app.

Getting Started

Executing program

  • Inside the project directory, in the terminal type: npm i
  • Open two additional terminals in your VS code
  • In the second terminal type: npx hardhat node
  • In the third terminal, type: npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js
  • Back in the first terminal, type npm run dev to launch the front-end.

After this, the project will be running on your localhost. Typically at http://localhost:3000/


A R Ashutosh