This is an awesome Django Project Boilerplate!!
With this code you can start a complex Django Project very quickly, with just a few steps!
Updated for Django 1.8 and Python 3!
Some of the TaskBuster Django Project Boilerplate functionalities are:
- different virtual environments for developing, testing and production
- Internationalization and localization to support different languages
- Project structure
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- Template Inheritance
- Functional tests
- robots.txt and humans.txt configured
Moreover, you can learn how to create this boilerplate step by step in There you can learn, step by step, how TaskBuster has been done, and even do it yourself if you want to!!
To start using the Boilerplate, check out the requirements and the quick start guide!
The requirements necessary to use this Django Project Boilerplate are:
- python3 and pip3
- virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
- Firefox (to use Selenium's Webdriver in functional Tests)
- GNU gettext (to use Internationalization)
If you don't have the first two requirements, you may find this post useful:
You can download Firefox from the official web page:
And if you don't have GNU gettext, check this
This Boilerplate comes with a script,, to configure the Django Project Template. See for more information about how to use it.
Here are the details of the manual installation and configuration:
First, you need to download the BoilerPlate from GitHub, as a zip file or using your terminal:
$ git clone git://
This will download the repository in your current direcotry.
This boilerplate has the DJANGO_KEY setting variable hidden.
You can generate your DJANGO_KEY
Keep reading to include your new Django key into your project.
This project is named TaskBuster, so if you are using this Boilerplate to create your own project, you'll have to change the name in a few places:
- taskbuster_project folder (your top project container)
- taskbuster_project/taskbuster folder (your project name)
- virtual environment names: tb_dev and tb_test (name them whatever you want)
- in virtual environments postactivate files (see section below), you have to change taskbuster.settings.development for your projectname.settings.development. Same works for the testing environment.
- in the TaskBuster.sublime-project and TaskBuster.sublime-workspace files. You should open the TaskBuster.sublime-project with Sublime Text and save it with another name.
- in taskbuster_project/taskbuster edit the file and change "taskbuster.settings" accordingly.
- in taskbuster_project/taskbuster/settings edit the file and change the declarations of ROOT_URLCONF and WSGI_APPLICATION
- in taskbuster_project edit file and change os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "taskbuster.settings")
First, you must know your Python 3 path:
$ which python3
which is something similar to /usr/local/bin/python3.
Next, create a Development virtual environment with Python 3 installed:
$ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 tb_dev
where you might need to change it with your python path.
Go to the virtual environment folder with:
$ cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin
and edit the postactivate file:
$ vi postactivate
You must add the lines:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="taskbuster.settings.development" export SECRET_KEY="your_secret_django_key"
with your project name and your own secret key.
Next, edit the predeactivate file and add the line:
Repeat the last steps for your testing environment:
$ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 tb_test $ cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin $ vi postactivate
where you have to add the lines:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="taskbuster.settings.testing" export SECRET_KEY="your_secret_django_key"
and in the predeactivate file:
Next, install the packages in each environment:
$ workon tb_dev $ pip install -r requirements/development.txt $ workon tb_test $ pip install -r requirements/testing.txt
Next, apply the basic migrations:
$ python validate $ python migrate
And check that everything works by starting the server:
$ python runserver
The default language for this Project is English, and we use internatinalization to translate the text into Catalan.
If you want to change the translation language, or include a new one, you just need to modify the LANGUAGES variable in the file settings/ The language codes that define each language can be found href="
For example, if you want to use German you should include:
LANGUAGES = ( ... 'de', _("German"), ... )
You can also specify a dialect, like Luxembourg's German with:
LANGUAGES = ( ... 'de-lu', _("Luxemburg's German"), ... )
Note: the name inside the translation function _("") is the language name in the default language (English).
More information in the
Go to the terminal, inside the taskbuster_project folder and create the files to translate with:
$ python makemessages -l ca
change the language "ca" for your selected language.
Next, go to the locale folder of your language:
$ cd taskbuster/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES
where taskbuster is your project folder. You have to edit the file django.po and translate the strings. You can find more information about how to translate the strings href="
Once the translation is done, compile your messages with:
$ python compilemessages -l ca
If you changed the default languages (English and Catalan), you need to update your Tests to make sure the translation works correctly. Open the file functional_tests/
- in test_internationalization, update your languages with the translation of title text, here "Welcome to TaskBuster!"
- in test_localization, update your languages.
A list of all the commands used to run this template:
$ workon tb_dev $ workon tb_test $ python makemessages -l ca $ python compilemessages -l ca can be used to rename and adjsut the template. The script is documented at