
  • format and display the on-line manual pages

man [command] #if you are lost, just RTFM!


  • display effective user id

whoami #prints the current user's name


  • write arguments to the standard output

echo "[text]" #prints out text


  • return working directory name

pwd #prints the current directory


  • list directory contents

ls #lists the contents of the current directory

ls -la #lists all the files in a longer format

ls -lS #lists all the files sorted by size

ls D* # „show only files that start with “D” (Desktop, Documents, etc)”

ls *.{txt,xml,md}

List the five most recently modified files ls -t | head -n 5


  • change directory

cd [directory] #moves to a given directory like "/Users/tib/"

cd ~ #moves to home directory

cd .. #moves up a directory


  • make directories

mkdir [directory] #creates a directory

mkdir -p [dir1/dir2/dir3] #creates the whole directory structure


  • copy files

cp [source] [destination] #copies the source into the destination

cp -R somedirectory nameofcopy #copy whole directory


  • move files

mv [source] [destination] #moves the source into the destination


  • make links

ln [source] [destination] #creates a link from the source to the destination


  • remove directory entries

rm [file] #removes the given file

rm -r [directory] #removes the given file


  • change file modes or Access Control Lists

chmod 644 [file] #changes file permissions

chmod -r 644 [directory] #same, but recursively


  • change file owner and group

chown tib:staff [file] #changes owner & group

chown -r tib:staff [directory] #same but recursively


  • locate a program file in the user's path

which [command] #looks for a command, if found prints location


  • change file access and modification times

touch [file] #creates the file or updates it's appropriate times


  • scriptable image processing system

sips -Z [size] [image] #scale an image to a max size


  • creates an alias

alias la='ls -la' #from now you can use la as a shortcut


  • exports a variable

export [name]=[value] #later on you can assess it by using $name

Last parameter - $_ vs !$

$_ is substitued by the shell with the parameter from the last command

git branch -d branch-name
git push --delete remote-name $_

When hitting enter on a command with $! the shell will not execute it, but prompt the command again, with the last parameter used in place of !$

$ ls ~/Desktop
$ ls -a !$
$ ls -a ~/Desktop

Fix typo

ls *.txs

no matches found: *.txs

ls *.txt

Print file


  • concatenate and print files

cat [file] #prints out the contents of a file


less -NM filename.txt

Character What it's doing
-N show numbers
-M show metrics
  • find "the" less +/the filename.txt


head filename.txt #Print the first 10 lines of file


tail -n 5 filename.txt #Print the final 5 lines of file

Counting lines and words


  • prints count of lines, words and bytes from file

wc [file]

Character What it's doing
-c the number of bytes
-l the number of lines
-m the number of characters
-w the number of words


Find and move files to folder

  • find . -name "*video*.mp4" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} new_folder

  • find . -name "*.java" -exec grep -n -H "new .*Db.* {} \;

  • find . -name "*.zip" -size +1G

  • find . -name "*.java" -not -regex ".*Db\.java -exec grep -n -H "new .*Db" {} \;

  • find . -iname "*.txt" -exec cat {} \;

Find all ""

  • find . -regex ".*Db\.java

Find any file modified in the last 24 hours

  • find . -type f -mtime 0

Count markdouwn files

  • find . -iname "*.md" | wc -l
Character What it's doing
find execute the find command
. from the current directory
-name match the name of "*.java"
-iname like name, but case insensitive
-size size criteria
-exec will pass found filename as a parameter
-n show line numbers of the matches
-H show filenames of the matches
"new .*Db.*" all files with any numbers of characters, followed by the letters Db, then followed by any characters
{} placeholder for the filename found by find
\; Terminate the command after -exec

Searching for text with grep


  • file pattern searcher

ls -la | grep [term] #search for a folder name (term) in a directory list

cat test.txt | grep [term] #search for a term in a file

Character What it's doing
--color color results
-r recursive search
-i ignore letter case
-l prints only matching filenames
-n prints line number

Sorting and de-duping

  • sort filed.txt | uniq

  • sort file1 file1 file2 | uniq -u If you combine this with the -u parameter to uniq, which outputs lines that exist only once.

Search your history for a specific command

  • history | grep "command"

Repeat a command with root privileges

  • sudo !!

Measure time

  • time command

Share files by python

  • python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Working with remote servers

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" # genertes a new key


  • OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)

ssh [server] -p [port] #logs in to a remote server


  • upload file to server scp


  • secure file transfer program

sftp [server] #logs in to the server (use help for more)

After sftp you can upload file put or download file get


Download website

wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent

Alternatively, the command above may be shortened:

wget -mkEpnp


For testing regex


Pattern What it's doing
[pr]at A single charcter of p or r
[a-z]at A character in the range: a-z
[^a-z]at A character not in the range: a-z
[A-Za-z]at A character in the range: a-z or A-Z
a? Zero or one of a
a* Zero or more of a
a+ One or more of a
a{3} Exactly 3 of a
a{3,} 3 or more of a
a{3,6} Beetween 3 and 6 of a
. Any single character
^ Start of string
$ End of string

Multiline mode

m modifier: multi line. Causes ^ and $ to match the begin/end of each line (not only begin/end of string)

  • Swift .AnchorsMatchLines


"April 25h" or "Apr 25"

  • Apr(il)? \d\d(th)?

"My name is Pat Adams" or "My name is XYZ lastname"

  • My name in (XYZ|Pat) \w+

Find all quetes

  • "[^"]+"

Non matching group

My favorite color is blue
My favorite colour is green
  • My favorite (?:color|colour) is (.*)
    • blue
    • green


Find all "Testing bold text"

  • <([A-Z][A-Z0-9]?)>[\w ]+</\1>