
Demo of getting secrets to a Chef node with public key encryption instead of enc. databags

Primary LanguageRuby


These cookbooks' purpose is to demonstrate decryption of strings that were encrypted with a nodes/clients public key.

Moreover the openssldemo default recipe now also supports encrypting stuff for other clients. In the version in this repository it will encrypt something for the chef-webui user. To have your node encrypt something for you, just exchange chef-webui by your client name, copy the output of the file /tmp/decryptme to your workstation and run the accompanying ./decrypt.rb PATH_TO_YOUR_CLIENT_PRIVATEKEY_FILE PATH_TO_ENCRYPTED_FILE.


You need an encrypted attribute value, which you can create by running knife node secret add NODE PLAINTEXT ATTRIBUTE.

Of course you need the node_secret.rb knife plugin first. Put it in ~/.chef/plugins/knife.



knife node secret add NODE PLAINTEXT openssldemo knife node show NODE -a openssldemo knife node run_list add NODE 'recipe[openssldemo]' ssh NODE chef-client ssh NODE cat /tmp/itworks ssh NODE cat /tmp/decryptme > ~/messageforyou ./decrypt.rb PATH_TO_webui.pem ~/messageforyou