
Plugin on WordPress.org. Track your and your site author's productivity with accurate and stunning visual data! Compare your progress and beat your past scores!

Primary LanguagePHP


Select an image, add text, and choose a link.

Track Your Writing tracks your most important writing data, ready to be challenged and beaten up. Level up your letter game!

Contributors: oscarssanchez
Tested up to: 4.9
Tags: plugin
License: GPLv2 or later
Requires PHP: 5.4


Track Your Writing sparks the author's interest to start writing more often and with higher quality by showing you your own progress. It can show the progress of multiple authors, so if you have a website with multiple collaborators, everybody knows how well (or badly!) they are performing.


Select an image, add text, and choose a link.

Select an image, add text, and choose a link.


  • Upload the folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress



  • Add admin notice when user updated.
  • Add admin page template file.
  • Performance changes in how data is fetched and organized.
  • Plugin refactoring.


  • Release.