
Automatic PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the nginx port of mod_pagespeed.

ngx_pagespeed is a work in progress, and is not yet ready for production use (current status). If you are interested in test-driving the module, or contributing to the project, please follow the instructions below. For feedback, questions, and to follow the progress of the project:

The goal of ngx_pagespeed is to speed up your site and reduce page load time by automatically applying web performance best practices to pages and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow. Features will include:

  • Image optimization: stripping meta-data, dynamic resizing, recompression
  • CSS & JavaScript minification, concatenation, inlining, and outlining
  • Small resource inlining
  • Deferring image and JavaScript loading
  • HTML rewriting
  • Cache lifetime extension
  • and more

How to build

nginx does not support dynamic loading of modules. You need to add ngx_pagespeed as a build time dependency, and to do that you have to first build the pagespeed optimization library.

First build mod_pagespeed against trunk, following these instructions through the end of the "Compile" step: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/mod_pagespeed/build_from_source

When you run gclient sync, be sure to run it against http://modpagespeed.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src

Then build the pagespeed optimization library:

$ cd /where/you/built/mod_pagespeed/src/net/instaweb/automatic
$ make all

Then move the mod_pagespeed directory to a parallel directory to your ngx_pagespeed checkout:

$ cd /path/to/ngx_pagespeed
$ mv /where/you/built/mod_pagespeed /path/to/mod_pagespeed

Now build nginx:

$ cd /path/to/nginx
$ auto/configure --with-debug --add-module=/path/to/ngx_pagespeed
$ make install

While ngx_pagespeed doesn't need to be anywhere specific in relation to nginx, the mod_pagespeed directory and the ngx_pagespeed directory must have the same parent.

How to use

In your nginx.conf, add to the main or server block:

pagespeed on;
pagespeed_cache /path/to/cache/dir;
error_log logs/error.log debug;

To confirm that the module is loaded, fetch a page and check that you see the X-Page-Speed header:

$ curl -s -D- 'http://localhost:8050/some_page/' | grep X-Page-Speed

Looking at the source of a few pages you should see various changes, like urls being replaced with new ones like yellow.css.pagespeed.ce.lzJ8VcVi1l.css.


The generic Pagespeed system test is ported, and all but three tests pass. To run it you need to first build and configure nginx. Set it up something like:

http {
  pagespeed on;

  // TODO(jefftk): this should be the default.
  pagespeed RewriteLevel CoreFilters;

  # This can be anywhere on your filesystem.
  pagespeed FileCachePath /path/to/ngx_pagespeed_cache;

  # For testing that the Library command works.
  pagespeed Library 43 1o978_K0_L

  # These gzip options are needed for tests that assume that pagespeed
  # always enables gzip.  Which it does in apache, but not in nginx.
  gzip on;
  gzip_vary on;

  # Turn on gzip for all content types that should benefit from it.
  gzip_types application/ecmascript;
  gzip_types application/javascript;
  gzip_types application/json;
  gzip_types application/pdf;
  gzip_types application/postscript;
  gzip_types application/x-javascript;
  gzip_types image/svg+xml;
  gzip_types text/css;
  gzip_types text/csv;
  # "gzip_types text/html" is assumed.
  gzip_types text/javascript;
  gzip_types text/plain;
  gzip_types text/xml;

  gzip_http_version 1.0;


  server {
    listen 8050;
    server_name localhost;
    root /path/to/mod_pagespeed/src/install;
    index index.html;

    add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=600";

    # Disable parsing if the size of the HTML exceeds 50kB.
    pagespeed MaxHtmlParseBytes 50000;

    location /mod_pagespeed_test/no_cache/ {
      add_header Cache-Control no-cache;

    location /mod_pagespeed_test/compressed/ {
      add_header Cache-Control max-age=600;
      add_header Content-Encoding gzip;
      types {
        text/javascript custom_ext;


Then run the test, using the port you set up with listen in the configuration file:

/path/to/ngx_pagespeed/test/nginx_system_test.sh localhost:8050

This should print out a lot of lines like:

TEST: Make sure 404s aren't rewritten
      check_not fgrep /mod_pagespeed_beacon /dev/fd/63

and then eventually:

Failing Tests:
  compression is enabled for rewritten JS.
  regression test with same filtered input twice in combination

Each of these failed tests is a known issue:

If it fails with some other error, that's a problem, and it would be helpful for you to submit a bug.

Testing with memcached

Start an memcached server:

memcached -p 11213

To the configuration above add to the main or server block:

pagespeed MemcachedServers "localhost:11213";
pagespeed MemcachedThreads 1;

Then run the system test:

/path/to/ngx_pagespeed/test/nginx_system_test.sh localhost:8050


Once configuration is complete, any mod_pagespeed configuration directive should work in ngx_pagespeed after a small adjustment: replace '"ModPagespeed"' with '"pagespeed "':

  ModPagespeedEnableFilters collapse_whitespace,add_instrumentation
  ModPagespeedRunExperiment on
  ModPagespeedExperimentSpec id=3;percent=50;default
  ModPagespeedExperimentSpec id=4;percent=50

  pagespeed EnableFilters collapse_whitespace,add_instrumentation;
  pagespeed RunExperiment on;
  pagespeed ExperimentSpec "id=3;percent=50;default";
  pagespeed ExperimentSpec "id=4;percent=50";