
Experimental C binding for libtorch

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Experimental C binding for libtorch

Experimental C binding for libtorch C++ interface.

C binding is useful for rapid-prototyping with libtorch library, reduce linkage issue, embedding libtorch to other languages through ffi, etc.

This project implements minimal and partial(features required for our usecases) C binding for libtorch API. There is no plan to implement solid and full C binding for libtorch(We think pytorch will officially release C binding in the future).

Supported platform

  • Linux
    • x86-64
    • aarch64 should work
  • Windows
    • Visual Studio 2019
    • llvm-mingw
    • MinGW
  • macOS(Limited support)
    • Big Sur x86/arm64
  • Optional: CUDA

Supported libtorch version

  • libtorch 1.10.0 or later


  • Minimal float32/float64 tensor.
  • Consider CUDA(Acclerator) devices.


  • CMake 3.2 or later
  • C11 + C++14 compiler
  • (optional)CUDA and cuDNN


Install pytorch/libtorch

Prepare libtorch libraries. You can install pytorch or download prebuilt libtorch package, or build it from source code. If your pytorch/libtorch build uses CUDA, you'll need to install CUDA SDK and cuDNN package also.


Note that pytorch packages from https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ (conda or pip package) contains libtorch headers and libraries, and these are compiled with gcc + pre-C++11 ABI for Linux platform.

Edit path to libtorch in scripts/bootstrap-linux.sh.

If your libtorch is compiled with pre-C++11 ABI(e.g. pytorch build), you need to specify _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 when you compile c-libtorch with clang.


$ ./scripts/bootstrap-linux.sh
$ cd build
$ make


Visual Studio 2019 is supported at the momenet.

Run vcsetup2019.bat.

Solution file will be generated in build directory.

To run unit test, you'll need to set PATH to pytorch/libtordh dlls(or copy dlls to your working directory).

macOS(Big Sur or later)

CPU build only.

Assume some dependencies(e.g. protobuf) are installed through macports or homebrew.

If you want to build c-libtorch with pytorch package, you may need to delete linking with libopenblas.dylib in TORCH_DIR/python3.9/site-packages/torch/share/cmake/Caffe2/Caffe2Targets.cmake


$ ./scripts/bootstrap-macos.sh
$ cd build
$ make


#include "c_libtorch.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  int major, minor, patch;

  c_torch_version(&major, &minor, &patch);

  printf("version: %d.%d.%d\n", major, minor, patch);

  printf("CUDA: %d\n", c_torch_cuda_is_available());

  c_at_Tensor *tp = c_torch_ones_1d(9, c_torch_kFloat32);

  c_at_Tensor *ft = c_torch_fft_fft(tp, /* n */-1, C_TORCH_DEFAULT_DIM, c_torch_fft_norm_none);


  return 0;

Memory management

Currently c-libtorch does not have a policy for memory management. C struct simply wraps C++ object(Assume no detach(), clone() operation for Tensor).


C API has c_ prefix. C++ namespaces are concatenated with _

Example: at::Tensor -> c_at_Tensor

Function signature

C API has c_ prefix. C++ namespaces are concatenated with _

Example: torch::cuda::is_available -> c_torch_cuda_is_available

Implemented APIs

  • torch::version
  • torch::cuda::is_available
  • torch::ones
  • torch::zeros
  • torch::eye
  • torch::jit::load
  • torch::fft, torch::ifft


  • TensorFlow C API style memory management.
  • Better error handling.


c-libtorch itself is licensed under MIT license.

Third-party licenses

  • libtorch, pytorch: BSD-like license.
  • acutest: MIT license.