
Upvote images and have Jenkins or cron downloaded them automatically

Primary LanguagePython

The reddit_scraper requires lxml. Please install it from lxml.de. For windows, I used the prebuilt binaries at: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#lxml

This project was built using lxml 3.02, and Python 2.7.3-2.7.5, though other versions may work. It also requires requests, sqlalchemy, pillow and BeautifulSoup4.


Plugin modules can have any name but must go in the plugins folder (reddit_scraper/plugins).

The built-in DirectLink plugin should handle most direct links, so when you a writing a plugin it is likely because something was not handled by this.

Your plugin must be a class that subclasses BasePlugin from the base_plugin module in this folder. If it does not subclass this, it will not be executed.

Your plugin needs exactly one function, "execute". Execute is called repeatedly by the logic in the BasePlugin class, once per Download object in the CandidateList that has been passed to it. The current Download candidate object will be the one in the plugin at self.candidate.

A Download object has 5 attributes, 4 of which are set on creation, along with an optional sixth attribute, which you set if needed:

  • title - this is taken from the reddit post
  • subreddit - this is also taken from the reddit post
  • url - this is the url of the POST and not necessarily the IMAGE or IMAGES that you want (this is why we are doing this!)
  • filename - this is created automatically by a function that parses the url. It does NOT matter if the post is for a multi-image gallery because you will be making a new Download object for each image in that gallery anyway
  • md5 - you set this once you have downloaded the image it's one of the last things you do but you still check it against the database to avoid duplicate images
  • cookies - you set this attribute as needed if a cookie is necessary for the download to complete successfully. It is not necessary to set this to None if you do not have a cookie, simply omit it, and let the BasePlugin handle it for you.

The approach that I take for writing plugins is typically to have the execute function call a helper function that returns a list of img_urls (and when needed a cookie), typically I just drill down the tree with find or find_all using BeautifulSoup, nothing too fancy, though there are some exceptions.

The important part is to create the self.current object and set it to a Download object with a valid url and whatever else it may need so that the BasePlugin can do its work.

If you have a gallery, it isn't any more complicated. Just return an iterable and iterate through the list, setting the self.current object each time through the loop. self.current is a property that has a setter. If it is not set to None, the acquisition logic is triggered so you can set the object as few or as many times as you want from within execute and the logic to acquire the image will still fire off each time you set the object.

In addition to the above requirements every plugin must have a staticmethod called url_matches that carefully tailors that plugin's matches so that there is no overlap between other plugins and their matches. The most difficult one to work around is also the most useful, the DirectLinks plugin. An example url_matches looks like this:

def url_matches(url):
    This matches all of imgur
    imgur_alb_pat = re.compile(r'^http[s]?://.*imgur\.com' #any imgur page from any subdomain (or none)
                               r'(?:(?![.]{1}(?:' #that doesn't end with the extension
                               r'jpg|' #jpeg
                               r'jpeg|' #jpeg
                               r'gif|' #gif
                               r'bmp|' #bitmap
                               r'png)' #png
    if imgur_alb_pat.match(url):
        return True
        return False

The above is a pretty ugly regex, but lines[1:] are basically a non-capturing group with a negative lookahead assertion that the string can end with anything except a dot and those file extensions. In most cases you can copy this method wholecloth and change only the contents of the first line to get the matches you need. See this flickr example or any other included plugin for more guidance (and note that only the first line of the regex is modified):

def url_matches(url):
    This matches flickr photo pages

    flickr_pat = re.compile(r'^http[s]?://.*www\.flickr\.com/photos/'
                            r'(?:(?![.]{1}(?:' #that doesn't end with the extension
                            r'jpg|' #jpeg
                            r'jpeg|' #jpeg
                            r'gif|' #gif
                            r'bmp|' #bitmap
                            r'png)' #png
    if flickr_pat.match(url):
        return True
        return False

To aid in keeping the plugins up to date there is a custom exception in reddit_scraper.exceptions PluginNeedsUpdated that should be raised. I always raise in a try/except and then output something printable. Using the PluginNeedsUpdated exception is important however since under the hood there is a Singleton class (I know, I know...) that gets called and increments a counter. The value of this counter becomes the exit code of the scraper so as soon as you have a non-zero exit code from a completed run, grep the log for "PluginNeedsUpdated" and you should have some useful output to help you target plugin maintenance tasks.

It is recommended to set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 when running in Jenkins so that the console updates in something closer to real-time, otherwise trying to watch the console live pretty much sucks.