
A python wrapper for Barnes-Hut tsne

Primary LanguageC++


A python wrapper for Barnes-Hut t-SNE. The wrapper was successfully tested on OSX (10.6/10.7), Ubuntu (11.04) and Arch Linux.

The modifications to the original C++ source are minimal: See the diff for the second overall commit.

Differently to an already existing wrapper, I use cython.



In the subdirectory(!) fasttsne/, run make. Make sure that your openblas library is available. Or any other BLAS library, but then changes in fasttsne/setup.py are necessary (change include_dirs and/or library_dirs).


For testing the algorithm, add fasttsne/ to your PYTHONPATH and run python test.py after a successful build. Note that the file mnist.pkl.gz has to be in the main directory. You can download it from here.

More Information

See Barnes-Hut-SNE, L.J.P. van der Maaten. It is available on arxiv.