A minimal system implementation for Linux learners
The LFL build system can be subdivided into static and dynamic components.
Components in the build system directory prior to system build:
- README.md - general project information.
- LICENSE - project use and distribution terms.
- Makefile - listing of make targets with associated scripts.
- build-scripts - scripts responsible for each step in the creation of the system.
- src-lists - lists of software source code locations.
- make-scripts - makefile target scripts.
- pkg-scripts - individual package build and install scripts.
- config-files - system configuration files.
- chroot-scripts - chroot system initialisation scripts.
Components created by the build process:
- archive - compressed tarballs of source code packages.
- sources - uncompressed source code packages or git repositories.
- rootfs - the root filesystem of the LFL system.
- isoimage - all files necessary to generate the ISO9660 disk image.
- linux-for-learners.iso - the LFL disk image.
- git
- build-essential
- uuid-dev
- libncurses-dev
- musl-tools
- flex
- bison
- libssl-dev
- bc
- libelf-dev
- sudo
- xorriso
- qemu-system-x86