
OSGeo Nepal Data Bank

MIT LicenseMIT

OSGeo Nepal Data Bank

Welcome to the OSGeo Nepal Data Bank Repo! This repository serves as a centralized collection of Data sources. Feel free to contribute by adding new Data sources to the list.

Table of Contents

Data Sources

Title License Summary More Info
SAMPLE Data Source Title 1 [SAMPLE License 1] [SAMPLE Summary 1] SAMPLE More Info 1
Nepal Earthquake 2015 portal License not found Following the 7.8 Mw Gorkha Earthquake on April 25, 2015, Nepal carried out a massive household survey using mobile technology to assess building damage in the earthquake-affected districts. The purpose of this portal is to open this data to the public. Note: The data was collected between Jan 2016 and May 2016. More info
OpenAerialMap CC-BY 4.0 OpenAerialMap (OAM) is a set of tools for searching, sharing, and using openly licensed satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery. Built on top of the Open Imagery Network (OIN), OAM is an open service that provides search and access to this imagery. More Info
GeoNadir License not found GeoNadir makes drone mapping even better. It is the place to manage, process, analyze, and collaborate with your drone mapping data. More Info
SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH) Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International License. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) implements the SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH) Initiative – one of five regional hubs of the SERVIR network – in its regional member countries, prioritizing activities in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. The thematic focus of SERVIR are: agriculture and food security, water resources and hydro-climatic disasteres, land cover and land use change and ecosystems, weather and climate, and air quality. More Info
National Trust for Nature Conservation(NTNC) Geoportal License not found NTNC Geoportal is a geospatial content management system, a platform for the management and publication of geospatial data. Geospatial Data management within NTNC Geoportal allow for integrated creation of data, metadata, and map visualizations. Each dataset in the system can be shared publicly or restricted to allow access to only specific users. More Info
National Geoportal License not found A web portal used to find and access geographic information and associated geographic services((display, editing, analysis, etc.) via the Internet. Available datasets includes Administrative Boundaries, Geodetic Control Points, Hazard, Land Use Data, Orthophoto, Cadastral Data, Topographic Data, Social Infrastructure and others. More Info
NEPAL HEALTH FACILITY REGISTRY License not found Nepal Health Facility Registry is an interactive web-based analytical visualization tool that has a Master Inventory List of Health Facilities in Nepal with unique identification code, location, type, level, and service information that can be used by the Government and public. More Info

Data Source Title 1

  • License: [License 1]

    • This field specifies the license under which the Data source is distributed. It outlines the terms and conditions for usage, distribution, and modification of the data.
  • Summary: [Summary 1]

    • The summary provides a concise overview of the Data source. It helps users quickly understand the key aspects of the data, such as its purpose, scope, or main features.
  • Download Link: [Download Link 1]

    • The download link directs users to the location where they can access and download the Data source. Ensure that the link is accurate and accessible.
  • Source: [Source 1]

    • This field indicates the origin or creator of the Data source. It helps users understand the authority or organization responsible for maintaining and providing the data.
  • Update Frequency: [Frequency 1]

    • Specifies how often the Data source is updated. This information is crucial for users who need to stay informed about the latest changes or additions to the data.
  • Type: [Type 1]

    • Describes the type or category of the Data source. It could refer to the nature of the data, such as satellite imagery, geographic boundaries, climate data, etc.
  • Notes: [Notes 1]

    • Use this field to include any additional notes, instructions, or important details about the Data source. This can include data limitations, specific usage guidelines, or any other relevant information.

More Info 1

[Detailed information about Data Source Title 1 goes here. Provide additional context, details, or instructions that can help users understand the data source better. This section can include things like data attributes, data quality, or any other relevant information.]

How to Contribute

To add a new Data source, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Fill in the details for your Data source.
  4. Save the file and commit your changes.
  5. Push the changes to your forked repository.
  6. Create a pull request to submit your changes for review.

Code of Conduct

Please adhere to our Code of Conduct when contributing to this repository.


This Data Inventory is licensed under the MIT License.