
A simple cache api

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

java-cache v0.1

A simple cache api supports the following cache services

  • EhCache
  • Memcached
  • Built-in ConcurrentMap based cache
  • Built-in NoCache service


  • Get a CacheService instance
// Get EhCache service
CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.EhCache.get();
// Get Memcached service
CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.Memcached.get();
// Get Simple In Memory cache service
CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.Simple.get();
// Get No Cache (Null) Service
CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.NoCache.get();
// Automatically detect cache service provider
CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.Auto.get();

// Get a cache service with name specified
CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.XX.get(myCacheName);

Note, Memcached service always returns the same CacheService instance even if a name is specified

When CacheServiceProvider.Impl.Auto is used to get the CacheService, it will first try to load Memcached cache service, if failed, then try the EhCache service; if it still failed, then load the in memory Simple cache service.

  • Use Cache service
// Add an object to cache
cache.put(key, object, ttl); // ttl is the int value specify the object's time to live in seconds
// Add an object to cache with default ttl
cache.put(key, object);
// Get an object from cache by key
Object obj = cache.get(key);
// evict a cache entry by key
  • Start/Stop a cache service

Note, not these two methods are only used with the Simple cache service, which start up/shutdown a timer thread. Memcached and EhCache service does not use these methods

  • Use Cache facade to quickly access auto discovered cache service function
Cache.put(key, object);
object = Cache.get(key);


  • Simple Cache service

There is nearly not configuration required to use Simple cache service. The only thing you can do is to Set the default ttl:

CacheService cache = CacheServiceProvider.Impl.Simple.get();
cache.setDefaultTTL(120); // set the default ttl to 2 minutes
  • EhCache service

Just follow the EhCache configuration document to configure EhCache service. Mainly what you need is to put a file named ehcache.xml into the class path.

  • Memcached service

The simplest way to configure memcached cache service is to set memcached.host system property to your memcached host. It should contains an ip address and a port number separated by :. If the port part is not provided, then default 11211 port is used. If your memcached service needs username/password to access, you can set those configurations in memcached.username and memcached.password.

Instead of using system properties, you can also set the memcached configuration in memcached.properties file which could be loaded from the class path.