restify -

A Node.js web service framework for RESTful web services. very similar to how Express work. Just little ddifferent syntax. All mongoose codes are similar.


mongodb object modeling for node.js to create database models


to mongodb deployment


  1. npm init -y //creating package.json, this include all dependencies//
  2. npm i restify restify-errors mongoose mongoose-timestamp
    retify-errors ==> handles errors elegently
  3. npm i -D nodemon // -D for add as a developer dependency
    // nodemon --> no need to restart everytime.
  4. add scripts to package.json file --> start and dev
  5. add index.js and config.js files to project
  6. in config file --> set up environment variables (an object)
  7. to create db, use mLab (hosts mongoDB databases)
  8. bring resources to index.js file
  9. create and open db connection