
How to send message/data from Django/Python to NodeJS using RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Downloading and Installing RabbitMQ

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

#RabbitMQ RabbitMQ speaks a protocol called AMQP. To use Rabbit you'll need a library that understands the same protocol as Rabbit. There is a choice of libraries for almost every programming language. For python it's no different and there are a bunch of libraries to choose from:

py-amqplib txAMQP pika In this tutorial we're going to use pika.

Node.js && Python code through RabbitMQ

To successfully use the examples you will need a running RabbitMQ server.


To run this example you need python> v2. *, nodeJS 0.8 (currently it runs on nodeJS 0.11.1-pre). Have installed RabbitMQ. Python 0.9.8 using the pika and amqp client and client nodeJS:

Installing amqp NodeJS in the work directory.

npm install

pika 0.9.8 Python client

sudo pip install pika==0.9.8

The installation depends on pip and git-core packages, you may need to install them first.


$ sudo apt-get install python-pip git-core


$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools git-core
$ sudo easy_install pip


> easy_install pip
>  pip install pika==0.9.8


To send data from python to NodeJS

`python send.py`

`$ node receive.js`

To send data from NodeJS to Python

`$ node send.js`

`$ python receive.py`


The message is sending by RabbitMQ Message Queue, then you can try to add more workers (receive.py or receive.js) to process all message in the queue on a distributed way.

Open N terminals and hit (receive.py or receive.js) to start to receive all messages in the queue.