
A simple logger for my use

Primary LanguageRust


An simple logger based on environment!

Getting Started!

# get log and the package from crates

log = "0.4"
knil = "0.1"
extern crate log;
extern crate knil;

fn main () {
	knil::init().expect("failed to build logger~");

	info!("Hello, World!")

What about the environment thing? Don't worry it's very simple, the environment soley depends on the: RUST_ENV, you can directly set the environment level by setting the RUST_ENV with the corresponding level:

error = 0
warn = 1
info = 2
debug = 3
trace = 4

There also level presets such as:

development = 2
production = 1
max = 4
min = 0

By default the level is set to the development preset.


Uh, make an Issue or Pull Request if you wanna see something changed or configured.