This repository contains vagrant related files needed for setting up base FlexSwitch Development virtual box
Instructions on how to setup Vagrant FlexSwitch resources:
- Make Directory Vagrant (mkdir Vagrant)
- Change Working Directory to Vagrant Directory (cd Vagrant)
- Clone this repository using git clone
- Get ubuntu/trusty64 vagrant box by following the steps mentioned on
- Confirm that you have ubuntu/trusty64 box on your system by executing "vagrant box list" which should display "ubuntu/trusty64"
- Change Working Directory to cloned directory (cd vagrantFlexSwitchDev)
Instruction on how to bring up Vagrant Box for development:
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh if asked for password type in: vagrant
- cd git
- Clone OpenSnaproute Repository using git clone
- cd reltools
- fab setupDevEnv
- The above mentioned steps assumes that vagrant is already installed by the end user, with VirtualBox as the provider
- Ubuntu 14.04 is used as base distro for the vagrant developement
- go 1.5.3 is used