
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Curriculum Short Specializations Average: 141.37% 0x00. Webpack Front-end JavaScript ES6 By: Johann Kerbrat, Engineering Manager at Uber Works Weight: 1 Project will start Jul 24, 2023 6:00 AM, must end by Jul 25, 2023 6:00 AM Checker was released at Jul 24, 2023 12:00 PM An auto review will be launched at the deadline

Resources Read or watch:

Webpack documentation Webpack beginner guide npm-package.json Learning Objectives At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

How to setup Webpack for a basic project Entry points, output, and loaders How to add plugins How to split your code into chunks How to setup a dev server Requirements All of your code will be executed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using Node 12.x.x Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs, Visual Studio Code All of your files should end with a new line A README.md file at the root of the folder of the project is mandatory Tasks 0. Basic setup mandatory Create and run Webpack using a basic installation.

Create a folder named task_0. Install webpack and webpack-cli as developer dependencies within the folder using npm. Install jQuery as a regular dependency using npm. Make sure that webpack and webpack-cli are listed under the devDependencies key along with jQuery being listed under the dependencies key within the package.json Create a src directory with a index.js in it. The file should import jquery and add three different paragraphs to the page body: (refer to this link under the Babel section for importing jQuery) Holberton Dashboard

Dashboard data for the students

Copyright - Holberton School Create a dist/index.html. Import your main.js in the body. You must use jQuery to add the elements to the body of the page. When running Webpack, your javascript and html files should be generated in a dist folder. You should not use a custom webpack config file. Opening your main file should not generate any error in the console. Your html code should only import one Javascript script (the one generated by webpack). Do NOT push your dist/main.js if you have one. Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-react Directory: 0x00-Webpack File: task_0/package.json, task_0/src/index.js, task_0/dist/index.html

  1. Learning how to use Webpack with a config file mandatory Installing packages

Create a folder named task_1, cd into it, and create a package.json using npm init -y Install webpack (dev dependency), jQuery (dependency), and Lodash (dependency) within the folder using npm. Modify your package.json to add a build script that runs webpack to create a production build. This lets you execute npm run build on the command line. Using jQuery

Create a js directory with a javascript file named dashboard_main.js in it. The file should import jquery and add the below elements in the following order: Paragraph element: Holberton Dashboard Paragraph element: Dashboard data for the students Button element with the text Click here to get started Add a paragraph element as so

Add another paragraph: Copyright - Holberton School Prevent spammers

Write a function called updateCounter() that tracks the number of times the button element has been clicked. Each time it’s called, update the count by 1 and set the content of the paragraph element with id=‘count’ to {count} clicks on the button Bind the debounce function in Lodash to the click event on the button you created previously. Requirements:

When running Webpack, your javascript should be generated in a public folder. You should also place your index.html in this folder. The javascript file generated by Webpack should be named bundle.js Set Webpack config mode to production Opening your html file should not generate any error in the console Your html code should only import one Javascript script (the one generated by webpack) Resources:

Debounce documentation on Lodash Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-react Directory: 0x00-Webpack File: task_1/js/dashboard_main.js, task_1/package.json, task_1/webpack.config.js, task_1/public/index.html

  1. Adding CSS & Images mandatory Create a specific configuration for Webpack.

Using the folder named task_2. Reuse the code from task_1. Modify the webpack config to support adding CSS to the bundle. Modify the webpack config to support adding images to the CSS. Create a folder named css In a file named main.css, change the position of the counter text to be displayed on the right of the button and in bold. Add an element at the top of document with the id #logo which has a width of 200px and height of 200px. Set the background of th element with the image in task_2/assets/holberton-logo.jpg (you can download this link). Set the width and height of the logo background image to 200px by 200px. Make sure to configure Webpack to optimize images. When running Webpack, your javascript and html files should be generated in a public folder. The javascript file generated by Webpack should be named bundle.js. Set Webpack config mode to production. Opening your main file should not generate any error in the console. Your html code should only import one Javascript script (the one generated by webpack). When running Webpack, you should not see the warning WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-react Directory: 0x00-Webpack File: task_2/package.json, task_2/css/main.css, task_2/webpack.config.js, task_2/js/dashboard_main.js, task_2/public/index.html

  1. Dev servers, modules, and tree shaking mandatory Using the folder named task_3. Set up a development server:

Reuse the code from task_2. Modify the Webpack config to setup a development server running on the port 8564. Modify the Webpack config to set its mode to development. Add a script in the package.json to start the server and open the browser with npm run start-dev. Divide the code into modules:

Divide the main bundle into three modules. header should contain a header.css and header.js files. Import jQuery, and add the logo and the H1 title to the header.js file (with content Holberton Dashboard). Add a console.log printing Init header. Add the needed style to the header.css file. body should contain a body.css and body.js files. Import jQuery, Lodash and add the body code (button, counter) in the body.js file. Add the needed style to the body.css file. footer should contain a footer.css and footer.js files. Import jQuery, and append a paragraph the copyright text Copyright - Holberton School. Add the needed style to the footer.css file. Modify the Webpack configuration to support three different entry points (header, body, footer). Each entry point should generate a filename with the following format name_of_the_file.bundle.js. Do NOT have a task_3/public/ directory pushed to your repository. Add a plugin to Webpack to automatically create an index.html HTML file Improve development speed

Modify the webpack config to support inline source mapping. Check that the console.log in the header.js now takes you to your javascript file instead of the main bundle. Add a plugin to Webpack to clean your build folder on each build. Improve bundles size:

You can see that the current modules generated with npm run build are quite large. They all contain jQuery and/or Lodash. Modify the Webpack configuration to split the modules in chunks. Requirements:

When running the dev server, your code should work on http://localhost:8564/. When running Webpack, your javascript and html files should be generated in a public folder. Opening your main file should not generate any error in the console. Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-react Directory: 0x00-Webpack File: task_3/modules/body/body.css, task_3/modules/body/body.js, task_3/modules/footer/footer.css, task_3/modules/footer/footer.js, task_3/modules/header/header.css, task_3/modules/header/header.js, task_3/package.json, task_3/webpack.config.js