
revive ads-server 中文汉化

Primary LanguagePHP


Some directories in the Revive Adserver package are not supposed to be served by your webserver directly, for security reasons. Leaving such files and directories accessible might disclose unwanted information and pose a security threat. A quick security check has been run and you will find the results below.

Your browser was able to fetch some files that should not be accessible. For example:

var/INSTALLED var/cache/README.txt etc/database_action.xml plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLog.xml


<DirectoryMatch "^/path/to/revive/(?!$|www/)">

    # Apache 2.4
    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
      Require all denied

    # Apache 2.2
    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
      Order deny, allow
      Deny from all


Alternatively, you could rely on the .htaccess files we ship:

&lt;Directory /path/to/revive>
   AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit


location ~ ^/(?!$|www/) {
   return 403;


location ~ ^/relative/path/to/revive/(?!$|www/) {
    return 403;