########## Mininet Scenarios Creator ########## Launcher: test_launcher.py ################ STARTUP TUTORIAL - z poziomu konsoli ################ Usage: test_launcher_itg.py [-h] [-l] [-t TOPOLOGY] [-B BANDWIDTH] [-lt] [-ls] [-d SCENARIOS_DIR] [-H HOSTS] [-dr] [-stp] [-o LOGS_DIR] [-r REPEAT] [--tool TOOL] [-T TRAFFIC_TYPE] [--c_min C_MIN] [--c_max C_MAX] [-g CLIENTS] [-f FLOWS] Mandatory: [-t TOPOLOGY] [-d SCENARIOS_DIR] [-T TRAFFIC_TYPE] [--c_min C_MIN] [--c_max C_MAX] [-g CLIENTS] [-f FLOWS] Params: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l, --store_logs store logs (default: logs are discarded) -t TOPOLOGY, --topology TOPOLOGY name of topology to run -B BANDWIDTH, --bandwidth BANDWIDTH Bandwidth of links in Mbit/s (default: 1 Mbit/s) -lt, --list-topologies list available topologies -ls, --list-scenarios list available scenarios -d SCENARIOS_DIR, --scenarios-dir SCENARIOS_DIR directory with scenarios (default: current directory) -H HOSTS, --hosts HOSTS Number of hosts in network ('per switch' for uniform distribution) -dr, --random-distribution Random hosts distribution in network (default: uniform) -stp, --stp-switch Run with STP switches. Disconnects from controller. -o LOGS_DIR, --logs-dir LOGS_DIR directory for storing logs (default: logs/ in scenario directory). Implies storing logs -r REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT number of test case repeats (-1 for infinite). Warning: Logs will be overridden --tool TOOL Traffic generation tool: iperf, ditg -T TRAFFIC_TYPE, --traffic-type TRAFFIC_TYPE Type of generated traffic --c_min C_MIN Minimum bitrate of generated traffic ( in Mbit/s ) --c_max C_MAX Maximum bitrate of generated traffic ( in Mbit/s ) -g CLIENTS, --clients CLIENTS Number of clients generating traffic -f FLOWS, --flows FLOWS Number of flows per client EXAMPLE: sudo python -t agis -d scenarios -T tcp -H 3 -g 5 -f 3 --c_min 5 --c_max 8 Co powinno być konfigurowalne? - rozklad hostow: uniform/random - ilosc hostow per switch - typ ruchu (tcp/udp/random) - charakterystyka ruchu (vbr/cbr) ???? // NIEMOŻLIWE W IPERF! - bitrate (low/medium/high) - ilość klientów generująca ruch (max=ilość hostów w sieci) - ilość flowów per klient generujący ruch - ??? ################ STARTUP TUTORIAL - z poziomu PROXY ################ 1) Aby zintegrować 'kreator scenariuszy Mininet' z CoSDN proxy należy w /home/user/programs/defnet/other/mn_mods/ podmienić skrypt 'emn.sh' na skrypt znajdujący się z folderze 'emn_script' w tym projekcie. Zaszły zmiany w sposobie wywoływania aplikacji 'test_launcher.py' - uruchamiany jest teraz w sposób bardziej "generyczny". EMN parameters: [topology name] Format: <zoo-topology-name>-<links_bandwidth>:<host_distribution>-<hosts-per-switch> [scenario name] Format: iperf_<traffic_type>-<bitrate_min>:<bitrate_max>-<hosts_generating_traffic>-<flows_per_host> ditg_<TO-DO> Example: