
Package for crafting text corpora: read, clean, extract text, statistics and metadata

Primary LanguagePython

Mytextpipe: read and analyze text data

Mytextpipe is a warm and cozy package for crafting text corpora: read, clean, extract text, statistics and metadata.

Package is in alpha stage, therefore some functionalities are still in development

Text corpora

Corpus (plural corpora) is a collection of related documents that contain natural language text. A corpus is broken down into categories of documents and individual documents. Categories are folders and individual documents are files stored in a file system on disk.

Corpus disk structure

 | -- readme.md
 | -- corpus-files.csv
└ -- category 1
 |    | -- file 1
 |   └ -- file 2
└ -- category n
       | -- file 1
      └ -- file n

Usage example

from mytextpipe import corpus
CORPUS_ROOT = '/home/my/txt_corpus'
corp = corpus.FileCorpusReader(CORPUS_ROOT)
# Outputs corpus statistics
{'files': 35, 'categories': 12, 'ext': {'txt': 10, 'html': 25}, 'file_size': 191219, 'words': 37542}

Class FileCorpusReader

Handle corpus with arbitrary files

Class TxtCorpusReader

Handle text files corpus

Class HTMLCorpusReader

Handle html files corpus

Class CorpusTransformer

Convert one corpus to another