Heat-Control Scheduler

Heat control scheduler gets electricity prices and creates a schedule for when the heat should be turned off during peak hours. It can also send the created schedule to a running heat-control instance.


  • A heating pump controllable by heat-control (build your own hardware controller from a raspberry pi and a relay)
  • Electrity contract with hourly spot prices
  • A source of spot prices (default implementation is for https://greenely.se/)
  • Slow-reacting house (concrete slab etc.) that will retain temperature even if heating is turned off during intervals during the day


  1. Copy template.env to .env, and populate with appropriate values for you. The threshold values for the default implementation (Greenely) is in Swedish öre, so 100 = 1 SEK.
  2. nvm use
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev


GET /prices{/:date}

Returns prices for a day, default tomorrow. If specified, for a specific date (format yyyy-MM-dd)

GET /prices{/:date}

Returns schedule for a day, default tomorrow. If specified, for a specific date (format yyyy-MM-dd)

POST /prices{/:date}

Creates schedule for a day (default tomorrow) and posts it to a heat-control application, URL specified in .env. If specified, for a specific date (format yyyy-MM-dd)