- 0
Punctuation and spelling error
#50 opened by DreamVenerable - 2
Hashing Functions - Misleading Explanation
#48 opened by ruben-vl - 0
error in binary exploitation/buffer overflow
#47 opened by B1LLP4RK - 0
typo in binary exploitation/buffer overflow
#46 opened by B1LLP4RK - 0
Use relative instead of absolute paths.
#40 opened by aarchangel64 - 0
Sections w/ only one page
#42 opened by davidchiii - 0
not that elegant to have navbar on the side
#33 opened by davidchiii - 0
[site] traffic analytics
#45 opened by davidchiii - 1
[crypto] DSA and ECC pages
#43 opened by davidchiii - 0
cryptography section is outdated
#36 opened by davidchiii - 1
Code on every page
#37 opened by davidchiii - 0
- 0
light mode logo is hard to read
#34 opened by davidchiii - 3
- 0
Most links are broken
#29 opened by pmarshall111 - 1
- 2
[Feature] Start here! pages
#17 opened by davidchiii - 1
2012 Challenges
#7 opened by oskarwirga - 1
Does not build
#9 opened by bleepbloopsify - 1
doesnt build.
#11 opened by davidchiii - 0
Write a CTF101 page on pwndbg
#8 opened by ColdHeat - 0
Mkdocs Hyperlink warning
#6 opened by oskarwirga - 2
most solver script links broken
#2 opened by kallsyms - 1
Incorrect hyperlinking for subcategories
#5 opened by oskarwirga - 0
Install zoom.js
#3 opened by ColdHeat - 1
Submenu click does nothing
#1 opened by oskarwirga - 2