JadowMD is command line tool to generate html documents from markdown files.
JadowMD is provided as single jar file and works with jre8+, so JadowMD has a lot of portability. You can generate documents from markdown without annoying environment managements or dependency controll but with only jre and a single jar.
This tool is written in Kotlin.
Write a code block with the language identifier puml
A -> B
A <-- B
You can get a compiled jar file from Releases.
execute the following code.
java -jar jadowmd.jar [target markdown] -o [output file]
java -jar jadowmd.jar -r [target directory] -o [output file]
Now JadowMD supports a specified single template using bulma and bulmaswatch. This template generates a single html file from multiple source markdown files. For details, See generated html source code.