
Git hooks to manage a repository of DNS zones

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Git hooks to manage a repository of DNS zones

dzonegit is a set of Git hooks allowing you to manage DNS zone files in a git repository. First, zone file sanity checks are run by pre-commit hook on your computer. After pushing changes to a bare repository on the DNS server, the sanity checks are run again on the server and if everything is OK, repository is checked out to a directory, DNS software configuration snippets are re-generated from a simple template and finally reload command is issued.

Main features

  • check if zone file compiles properly using named-compilezone(8)
  • autodetect zone name from file name or $ORIGIN directive
  • enforce updating serial number when zone content is changed
  • optional smudge filter to replace $UNIXTIME directive with current UNIX time
  • both pre-commit and pre-receive/update hooks to enforce similar checks in the remote repository
  • post-receive hook to checkout the working copy from a bare repository, generate config snippets for various DNS server software and reload them
  • only Python 3.5+ standard library is used


Simple instalation (especially for workstations)

Since there is no other Python dependency than the standard library, you can simply download the dzonegit.py file, make it executable and rename/symlink it to an appropriate hook location inside the Git repository .git/hooks/pre-commit. This is especially handy for the end users not experienced with Python packaging ecosystem.

Full instalation and usage

  • install all the requirements
  • install dzonegit Python package using your favourite tool (virtualenvwrapper, venv, pipenv, etc.)
  • in the local repository, create a symlink for the pre-commit hook: $ ln -s $(which dzonegit-pre-commit) /path/to/repo/.git/hooks/pre-commit
  • on the server, install some git repository management software, preferably Gitolite
  • on the server, install either pre-receive or update hook (both do the same) as well as the post-receive hook. See Gitolite documentation on how to add custom hooks
  • on the server, set up the configuration options for each repository

Support for $UNIXTIME directive

If you want to use $UNIXTIME in your zone files instead of serial number, you have to install a smudge filter on the server, that will replace the directive with current unix time on every checkout. First, set up the filter in the Git configuration:

$ git config --global filter.dzonegit.smudge $(which dzonegit-smudge-serial)

Then, apply the filter on all zone files using either .git/info/attributes or directly .gitattributes file inside the repository:

*.zone filter=dzonegit

Configuration options

All configuration options are stored in git-config(1) in the section named dzonegit. All boolean options default to False.

Ignore white space errors in pre-commit and pre-receive/update hooks.
In pre-commit and pre-receive/update hooks, do not enforce zone file name to be similar to the name of the zone.
Do not try to automatically update zone serial number if necessary. Valid only in the pre-commit hook.
Do not check for forgotten final dot on the right-hand side of PTR records. Valid only in the pre-commit hook.
Path to a writable directory, to which post-receive hook checks out current HEAD after each update.
Path to a JSON file containing template for generating DNS server configuration snippet. See below for file format specification. More files can be provided by appending single digit from 1 to 9 to this option.
Path to a writable file to generate DNS server configuration snippet. More files can be provided by appending single digit from 1 to 9 to this option. Each file is generated using the template with corresponding suffix.
A command to run when zones are introduced, deleted or renamed in the repository. Should do something like rndc reconfig. More commands can be provided by appending single digit from 1 to 9 to this option.
A command to run for each zone, where zone file has been modified. Zone name is automatically appended as the last argument. Should do something like rndc reload. More commands can be provided by appending single digit from 1 to 9 to this option.
Path to a text file containing list of zone names without trailing dots, one per line. If zone is found on the blacklist, it is ignored when post-receive hook generates configuration. Wildcards can be used as well, see JSON template below.
Path to a text file containing list of zone names without trailing dots, one per line. If not empty and zone is not found on the whitelist, it is ignored when post-receive hook generates configuration. Wildcards can be used as well, see JSON template below.

JSON template

The DNS server configuration snippets are generated using a simple JSON-based template. All keys are optional but please make sure the file is a valid JSON file. It is possible to define a zone-specific options, for instance for changing DNSSEC parameters per zone. Those zone-specific options allow usage of wildcards; if an exact match of zone name is not found, the leftmost label is substituted with *. If still no match is found, the leftmost label is dropped and the second one is again substituted with *. In the end, a single * is checked. Only if even this key is not found, the value of defaultvar is used as the zone-specific option.

Valid keys are:

A string that is templated to the begining of the output file.
A string that is templated to the end of the output file.
A string that is templated for each zone.
A string that would template variable $zonevar expand to if there is not a zone-specific variable defined, nor any wildcard matched.
An object mapping zone names (without the final dot) to a zone-specific variable to which template variable $zonevar would expand to. Using wildcards is possible by replacing the leftmost label with *. Ultimately, a key with label * will match every single zone (making defaultvar option litte bit pointless)

In the template strings, these placeholders are supported:

Current date and time in human readable format
Zone name, without the trailing dot
Full path to the zone file
Path to the zone file, relative to checkout path (useful for chroot environments)
Per-zone specific variable, see above

Example JSON template for Knot DNS

  "header": "# Managed by dzonegit, do not edit.\nzone:",
  "footer": "",
  "item": " - domain: \"$zonename\"\n   file: \"$zonefile\"\n   $zonevar\n",
  "defaultvar": "template: default",
  "zonevars": {
    "example.com": "template: signed",
    "*.cz": "template: czdomains",
    "*.in-addr.arpa": "template: ipv4reverse"

Example JSON template for BIND

  "header": "# Autogenerated by dzonegit on $datetime. Do not edit.\n",
  "item": "zone \"$zonename\" {\n type master;\n file \"$zonefile\";\n};"